Can you really turn off social media/ not watch the news/ separate entirely from the BLM movement when you are raising a house full of young black boys? “Respect” authority when it is opposing your basic human rights? There are so many troubling things going on in the world, and as ...
How do we make the future of travel equitable and sustainable? The way we travel post pandemic will look very different. The Black Lives Matter movement has changed the way the world looks at travel. TopicsActivismBlack Lives MatterSocial Good ...
The BLM movement increased widespread awareness of issues related to the fight for social justice (Reuters, 2020). Taken together, the increased media coverage of the killings and protests that followed may have increased empathy during this time, resulting in lasting positive sentiment toward Black ...
When the protests started in Washington D.C., Sew Creative Lounge wasn’t affected because the activity was concentrated downtown and near the White House. Habimana felt compelled to support the movement in some way, so she donated masks to protes...
This movement is global. Many of those chanting “Death to Israel” in our streets and on college campuses will soon be chanting “Death to America.” It’s no longer a question of “if” but “when.” Make no mistake. This war is really against America, the “Great Satan.” ...
fun dark thriller that makes you root for the killerThis debut novel from Katy Brent is a darkly funny thriller a la Promising Young Women or a female Dexter。 At turns a commentary on the MeToo movement or influencer culture, at its heart it’s a novel that will make you fall for...
social policy professional, I think the Movement ought to have stayed away from articulating specific policy demands – just as I thought Occupy London should have stayed away from it…but that’s fodder for another post and – frankly – my take on a tactical choice made by BLM doesn’t ...
How different opinions in Black Lives Matter (BLM) regarding the notion of ally shed light on social movement and ally studiesView further author information de Stexhe
How To Support The Black Lives Matter Movement ‘Uncle Ben’ Was Based On 2 People 9 Affirmative Action Facts ‘I Opened A Fitness Studio All About Inclusivity’ Porsha Williams Arrested At Breonna Taylor Protest ‘Black Lives Need To Start Mattering At Birth’ ...
But ifHair Loveput Lion Forge Animation on the map, the company is now coming into its own and flexing its muscles at a time when the culture at large is becoming more invested in shining the spotlight on underrepresented voices, thanks to the Black Lives Matter movement and ...