15. One Piece Film: Red(watch after episode 1030) One Piece Film: Red, the most recent movie, is about Shanks and his daughter Uta. The Straw Hats attend a concert hosted by Uta, a famous singer, on Elegia the Island of Music. Things quickly go awry when the attendees discover that ...
Did they ever find Blackbeard's treasure? Except for a sprinkling of gold dust—less than one ounce so far—no treasure has been found aboard the vessel likely piloted byEdward Teach, the British-born pirate known as Blackbeard. ... The details of how the ship ran aground remain a matter...
and Pentecost (between forty and fifty days after the Crucifixion). The fact that they agree on the timing, but describe the death differently, shows independent traditions in circulation that affirmed Judas’ death very shortly after the Crucifixion. That indicates Judas did die at this early ...
He did his Ph.D on the uncanny valley in Cardiff University and was a visiting researcher at the RIKEN Institute in Kyoto, Japan. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher on digital mental health at the LVR University Essen in Germany where he leads the work unit PsychosomaTech. Carlos ...
I did not cry when we had to euthanize my Rocky, not because I wasn’t sad or heartless, But because I KNEW he was going to a better place, a place that I chose to send him because I loved him so much that I HAD to do it! Not for me but for him! Because I knew he was ...
Unfortunately, garments made this way did not wear well and were the victims of temperature changes as well as sunlight and grease. It took one of America's greatest inventors to identify the rubber plant as the source of the "perfect" waterproof substance. Charles Goodyear is remembered more...
But I did not realise all this when I came to London, did not perceive how the change of atmosphere began at once to warp and distribute my energies. In the first place I became invisible. If I idled for a day, no one except my fellow-students (who evidently had no awe for me) ...
AND, a lot of guys I fished with (on their 'back seats' as I did not take my boat down there, just bummed seats thru fish board contacts or waiting and asking at ramps) were getting a lot more action in November in S. Texas with plastics, however they leaned that frogs work mid-...
How many loanwords from Old Nose are there in the standard English language? Viking origin of the words ‘ransack’ and ‘slaughter’ probably would not surprise anyone, but very “peaceful” words like ‘leg’, ‘sky’ or ‘window’ are also of Scandinavian provenance. The verb ‘get’, ...
As rodents were stored under very clean circumstances, they had no multiple exposures to infectious microorganisms; hence, TEM cell accumulation did not happen in them. Unfortunately, studies in monkeys also failed to show these adverse effects because of the diversity of their immune system compared...