How did Robert Hooke discover cells?Robert Hooke:Robert Hooke was an English scientist born in 1635 in the Isle of Wight. He discovered cells and made major contributions to cell theory. He also created telescopes to study astronomy.Answer and Explanation: ...
Scientists agree on one aspect of Mary Schweitzer's research. The tissues she found shouldn't have been there, at least according to basic concepts of fossilization. Because of this, critics assert that what Schweitzer really found was a contaminated sample, not a breakthrough. Over 65 million...
Life began about 4 billion years ago in deep-sea vents. The first life was a simple cell. Over billions of years it evolved into much more complex lifeforms. Evolution lead to the creation of millions of species of animals.Answer and Explanation: Abiogenesis is a theory that ...
There are few historical records concerning Gregor Johann Mendel and his work, so theories abound concerning his motivation. These theories range from Fisher’s view that Mendel was testing a fully formed previous theory of inheritance to Olby’s view th
Moreover, descriptive statistics enhance data visualization, allowing data scientists and business analysts to create intuitive charts, graphs, and dashboards that present findings clearly and effectively. By converting numerical data into visual representations, stakeholders can quickly comprehend key ...
For some scientists it’s natural to write the abstract before writing the main body. Often the figures and figure legends are the first things completed, and some writers like to start the abstract next. Other scientists like to write the paper from the middle out, starting with the methods...
There's no easy answer to that question because radio evolved into a useful technology through the second half of the 19th century thanks to the work of quite a few different people—both theoretical scientists and practical experimenters.
It took 10 years, around 500 scientists and some €600 million, and now the Human Brain Project — one of the biggest research endeavours ever funded by the European Union — is coming to an end. Its audacious goal was to understand the human brain by modelling it in a computer. Access...
What are the main points of the cell theory? How did Robert Hooke contribute to cell theory? How did Theodor Schwann contribute to cell theory? What theories did ancient scientists believe before cell theory? What scientists contributed to cell theory? How does a germ cell become a somatic cel...
How did Louis Pasteur contribute to cell theory?Question:How did Louis Pasteur contribute to cell theory?Louis Pasteur:Louis Pasteur was a French microbiologist who made important discoveries such as pasteurization, which is named after him. He also created vaccines for rabies and chicken cholera, ...