Jews had Jesus crucified, England’s King Charles I beheaded by an axe man, France’s King Louis XV1 beheaded by guillotine, Russia’s ruler and his wife and children shot to death during the Jew Coup aka the Russian Revolution, tens of millions of Russian Christians murdered, various US...
Building is happening all over. (Corner lot, neighbors on all corners except this and maybe 1-2 other in the entire city 2,500sq ft+ Modern ($750,000- $1,000,000) this side. Over $1,000,000 across the road or up a few blocks and rising. Would hate to build and have to go/...
“We” were fighting against competing empires but absolutely not against imperialism itself-the only two in that camp were President Wilson and Lenin’s post-revolutionary Russia.We,for instance,were not terribly keen on Poland being resurrected-thought it might be more trouble than it was worth...
Unity you say, so when will the EU be admitting WW2 ally Russia into the EU? Unity you say , yet there are 54 countries in Europe and only 27 are members, Unity you say yet we are members of the Commonwealth 2.3 billion citizens yet you want to hang around in a little corner of ...
~ The reason why Jews like the neocons Richard Perle and Douglas Feith love the word “democracy” is because they fear a Christian aristocracy which once-upon-a-happy time ruled in various Christian nations like England, Spain, Russia, France, and Germany. ...