snack scene. But too much hot pepper can give you belly pain,nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or a burning feeling in your gut. Even kids are ending up in the ER after too much munching. A safer hack to kick up your flavor is to sprinkle a little hot pepper on popcorn or sweet potato ...
Get our free mobile app I don't have children, so I don't know why I was included in this conversation. I just sat back with my popcorn and enjoyed it. Long story short, friends of mine wanted to get together with all of us in the group chat but couldn't find a sitter for thei...
Microplastics Can Cross Our Blood Brain Barrier Over a hundred years ago, a physician name Paul Ehrlich injected blue dye into the bloodstream of a mouse. All the tissues of the mouse turned blue . . . except the brain and spinal cord. That, friends, is the power of the blood brain bar...
Eat a low-fiber diet for at least 2 to 3 days before your procedure. Do not eat seeds, nuts, popcorn, or other high-fiber foods. Consume only a clear liquid diet on the final day before your colonoscopy. That means no solid food for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, or at any other ti...
nothing. when did states get the power to say f-you federal government? what’s the point of the federal government then if states can just do whatever they want. oh btw, they still got money from the same government they disobeyed. go figure. now i can go on and on. b...
Cooking foods at high temperatures causes the formation of gene-mutatingheterocyclic amines, which is why deep-fried foods are so dangerous to eat.80Heterocyclic amines have been linked to prostate, breast, colorectal, esophageal, lung, liver, and other cancers.10,81-91While health conscious people...
I am wondering if vamping the blessed cannabis herb can help with lung disease. I am hopeful that America will soon abandon these evil laws which forbid the use of God’s medicine. Do pray with me that He will continually help our lawmakers to see that, “everything God has made is ...
Last night did you notice how big and beautiful the moon was? I hope you got a chance to outside and bask in it, 98% full is pretty bright so imagine how gorgeous she will be tonight as she rises as not only a full moon but a Super Full Strawberry Moon. ...
Although humidifiers can help create a more humid environment that's easier on the throat and nose, humidifiers can get you sick as well if you fail to clean it properly, leading to asthma flare-ups, coughs, respiratory infections and lung problems. Is a humidifier good for flu? Dry air ...
Sarah felt she had run out of options. Even the prospect of police involvement struck her as futile: Deborah was sure to get away, as she always did. Having tried and failed to retrieve her kids, Sarah had turned away from the past. It was too painful to consider the full extent of ...