D In the early days of farming, people did not understand how plants got essential nutrients.Sometimes, wood ash, fish remains and slaughterhouse (屠宰场) waste were thrown on land just to get rid of them. Then, people started to notice that the grass and bushes on this land began to gr...
So, read on to find out how to save the planet… 1. Be a habitat hero! All over the world,wild places are in trouble. As the humanpopulation has increased, we’ve taken over more and more land for ourhomes, farms, factoriesandroads. In therainforest, around80,000 acres of treesare...
Researchers hope to transfer what they learn about growing food in the inhospitable climate of space to equally challenging and hostile climates on Earth. They are collecting detailed information about how plants grow and hope this information will help as land becomes scarcer and less fertile. ...
Although pests in beans vary from one growing season to another, there are ways to make your plants overall healthier and more resistant by using cultural practices. For example, to get rid of insects that overwinter in your fields, till the soil and rotate crops....
They gotta’ get away by air, land, and sea!A coconut fell so quickly,From a palm tree by the sea,Hit a big crab in the claw, That crab, it screamed, why me?The crab, it lost its temper,And so did that crab’s daughter,They pushed and pushed that coconut,Splish-splash into ...
This crop may be easy to grow, but it needs a lot of room to flourish. Growing plants of this height requires a sheltered spot because of their susceptibility to the wind. Frost can also damage the growing crop, which must be protected at all costs.Corn...
and Zhao Gang picked up the shovel to reinforce the little tree. Everyone did all the work very carefully, for fear that the small trees would be blown down when the wind was strong. We planted one plant after another, planted in rows and rows. In a moment, the bare wasteland turned ...
主语是A long neck and four long legs一个长脖子和四条长腿,谓语make.make+名词+形容词作宾补,主语是复数形式,因此make用原形. the tallest land animal最高的陆地动物.the tallest最高级形式.on earth在地球上.答案是:一个长脖子和四条长腿使长颈鹿成为地球上最高的陆地动物. 文章大意:此题是科普知识类...
Oat plants are water-loving and thrive when they receive ample watering. To achieve high oat yields, you need growing conditions with high relative humidity and regular precipitation. Crop yields are almost directly proportional to the amount of rain that falls during the summer....
While green tech has become increasingly popular in the modern age, elements of these business practices have been in use since the Industrial Revolution. Beginning in the early 19th century, scientists began to observe the ecological impacts of coal-burning industrial plants, and manufacturers have ...