How Will Obamacare Affect You?Dr. Michael Dennis
Other studies find additional ways this provision has affected the behavior of young people. For example,one studyfound that, in addition to working less, the provision decreased the time spent waiting for and receiving medical care. The extra time went into socializing and, to a lesser extent,...
Still, the "Cadillac tax" is one of the tools in the Affordable Care Act designed to bring down costs -- by encouraging people to cut down on unnecessary health care expenses. In 2009, Mr. Obamaexplained to NPR, "I'm on record as saying that taxing 'Cadillac' plans that don't make ...
How Obamacare could delay your tax refund Every American taxpayer will have to check a box on their tax returns verifying they have qualifying health care coverage, and for them, that'll be the extent of Obamacare's impact. But millions of other Americans who don't rely on health insurance...
The Affordable Care Act Premium Tax Credit is a new refundable tax credit that can lower your monthly health insurance premiums. If you qualify for the tax credit, you can claim the Premium Tax Credit throughout the year to lower your monthly health insu
Why did the framers of the U.S. Constitution adopt federalism? What is the role of the judiciary in federalism? How is a direct democracy like a republic? How did the Commerce Clause affect federalism? How does representative democracy differ from direct democracy?
How do you believe the current United States healthcare system could be improved? How did the changes to the Affordable Care Act of 2010 affect health outcomes in the United States? What cost-containment programs or approaches have been used by the health insura...
Until 2021, many Americans found the subsidies did not apply to them, or they did not realize they qualified for government assistance for their healthcare coverage. The affordability problem continued, with a large number of people still living without insurance. However, that changed in March ...
Also consider that your healthcare needs will change as you age, when you have a family, and when your income changes. All these factors will affect how much coverage you need and what level of out-of-pocket costs you can afford.
Goldman, Erik