Georgina It’s got to be blue – it reminds me of the sea, the sky – and holidays, of course! Neil Colour – no matter which one we prefer – affects how we feel. And we’ll be talking about that soon. But not before I challe...
Dan Well, that’s where you could be wrong, my friend. Let me prove it to you, with this week’s question. How much of the world’s food is wasted each year? a) a half b) a third c) a quarter Neil I’m not...
Read the full-text online article and more details about Uproar as BBC Tells How Cook Dumped Wife; New Blow for MP as His Affair Is Lumped in with Celebrity Scandals in 'Seedy' Show.By WaltersSimon
The network coverage did not improve as a final vote grew nearer. Reuters reported, “With a critical vote on media ownership rules by the Federal Communications Commission expected in the coming week, on May 15 (2003) ABC News’ report is the only prime-time network...
Grubby, grasping, shameless, these essentially little men and women are now shown to have become worse, not better, to have shrunk rather than grown, once they took their solemn oaths and added the letters ‘MP’ to their names. What did they think those letters stood for? Manipulate and ...
Deputy Head of Mission Dymphna Keogh did Trojan work, notably on the successful visit of the Tánaiste’s visit and the planning for the new chancery. Second Secretary Elisabeth O’Higgins’ leadership and management skills affirms my confidence in the latest generation of diplomats joining the ...
Will it ever be acknowledged that there was no disturbance at the recent People’s Vote march because we Leavers believe in democracy and did not turn up to disrupt it ? libertarian December 9, 2018 Maybot UKIP and their idiot supporters are the major cause of all the problems with leaving...
We had a democratic vote and the people decided. For some people to claim the referendum result was not democratic is idiotic – and only driven by their annoyance that remain did not win. The way things are nowadays, I strongly expect the next General Election result to be legally challenge...
which obviously did not need to happen because the Lib Dems and the Labour party were gonna vote against it. So there was . . . yeah, there was no possibility of the amendment passing. All that the show of strength did was it made the rebellion larger, more divisive, more bit...
The Oxford Tories were climbing the greasy pole before most students had even located it. The majority arrived at university uncertain, terribly dressed, trying to find themselves, often wrestling with imposter syndrome. Only at Oxford did they acquire the qualities that Johnson et al already had:...