ET has learned that drug paraphernalia was located inside the tour bus where the rapper was found. The spokesperson says it appears Lil Peep died of a suspected drug overdose from Xanax, however, the official cause of death will be determined by the medical examiner follow...
In asince-deleted tweet, Peep collaborator Lil Tracy stated, “they was never even friends didn’t even like each other.” in June at the age of 20.
was another example of how detrimental the drug could be, Lil Xan explained, and his decision to quit also arose in part because he took a dose that had been laced with fentanyl, the opiate that causedPrince's death and was found inTom Petty's system after he died last October. ...
“parenting a teenager can be harder than parenting a toddler. you have to be there at 2 a.m. to talk them down, then they roll their eyes at you and tell you they hate you. there were things billie did that totally worried me in terms of her behavior. the stuff she used to ...
“i mean, his death did make the music that much bigger. there are people who see that and want to capitalize on it.” x's manager, sobande, spent as much time with him as anyone, trailing him on his over-the-top tours, a period which sobande describes as “some of the most ...
There was a short online sketch I can't find again now, but by the same group who did the bitchy resting face video, where a couple chatters about their aspirations for travel, urban lifestyle, etc., then they both go gray-faced and drone in unison to each other, "Let's just move...
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