How did Leif Ericson discover America? How did Saint Patrick drive the Norwegians out of Ireland? How did James Cook die? How did Roald Amundsen find the Northwest Passage? How did Franz Joseph die? What was Ragnar Lothbrok's shield?
What did Christopher Columbus discover on his first voyage? How old was Bartolome de las Casas when he died? What was Christopher Columbus's real name? Approximately how long did Leif Erikson's voyage to America take? What was Christopher Columbus motivation?
Viking alter-ego:“Leif Erikson, because of his connection with North America as the first explorer to come, before Christopher Columbus. Coming to America was always a dream of mine growing up.” Andrea MaackPhoto: Courtesy of Benjamin Hardman Andrea Maack The Icelandic artist and perfumer recen...
Christopher Columbus wasn't even the first European to discover America, as Leif Erikson was actually the first European who did.[4] Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was 5 years old when he first made music.[5] 5 years old. Seriously. Honey bees cannot hear anything, so they use antennas to ...
How did the Bantu prosper economically? How was the Plymouth Colony governed? How did lawmaking at Jamestown differ from lawmaking at Plymouth? How did the headright system benefit the wealthy? How did Leif Erikson improve economic growth?
How did Erik the Red end up in Iceland?Erik the Red:Erik the Red was a famous Viking navigator and explorer that brought about the first settlement in Greenland around 982. Eric the Red was the father of Leif Erikson who reached America some 500 years before Christopher Columbus....
During what years did John Cabot explore? How long was the Lewis and Clark expedition? What did John Cabot bring back from his voyage? How long did Leif Ericson explore? Approximately how long did Leif Erikson's voyage to America take?
What route did Leif Erikson take to the Americas? How far did Christopher Columbus travel? What years did Amerigo Vespucci explore? What did Christopher Columbus discover on his first voyage? What did Christopher Columbus find in North America? What was Amerigo Vespucci's goal? What were the re...
What did Ernest Shackleton find in Antarctica? What is Ernest Shackleton best known for? How long did Ferdinand Magellan live? How is Ernest Shackleton remembered? How long did Christopher Columbus live? Approximately how long did Leif Erikson's voyage to America take? How long did Leif Erikson...
How long did Leif Erikson explore? How did Vasco Nunez de Balboa die? How long did Khufu live? How old was Vitus Bering when he died? How old was Christopher Columbus when he discovered America? How old was Ferdinand Magellan when he set sail? How long did King Henry VIII live? How ...