Lightning bugs of the beetle family Lampyridae (order Coleoptera), also known as fireflies, get their name because of their unique bioluminescent abilities. The world has over 2,000 species of lightning bugs spread across every continent except Antarctica. Lightning bugs primarily use their b...
Crab Spiders get their name from their resemblance to...what else...a crab. Their crab-like appearance stems from the slightly longer sets of front legs than back legs. Ground Crab Spiders are able to walk sideways and backward as well as forward, meaning their behavior as well as their ...
Stink bugs are active throughout all of the United States. Generally found in the garden, stink bugs will find their way into homes and structures when fall evenings start to turn cold. They acquired their name from a natural defense they have which is to release a smell that “stinks”. ...
s kid did a really poor job trying to bury his latest report card. But those hills of freshly dug dirt were likely made by moles. While moles are solitary creatures, they sure can cause a lot of damage with their molehills. Learning how to get rid of moles often comes with a huge ...
Big-eyed bugshave oval-shaped bodies and bulbous eyes bulging out of either side of their head (where did you think the name came from?). They’re tiny, only about ¼ to ⅛ inch long, and can be brown, black, gray, or reddish-brown in color. ...
These mums get their name from the spidery appearance of the petals. The spider mums have the spindly appearance of spider legs due to the tubular petals that coil or hook at the ends. Theflorets may be fine or coarseand the flower is usually 6 inches across or greater. This plant is...
How many black dots do ladybugs have on their wings? How many legs does a millipede have? How many appendages do spiders have? How many feathers does an ostrich have? How many pincers does a lobster have? How many legs do ants have?
You could always be mean, and include a letter or even sending nasty gifts like ladybugs, fake puke, or even poop. Lastly, you could order those male enhancement pills from those late night infomercials. Send it off to their house, dorm, or work. If they are away at college, might as...
In other programs you can pretty easily replace the original file with the newly fixed that has been saved with the same name. I was able to replace the new file with the original document in the library, but it did not change the same document that was converted into th...
Another reason they are so well liked in the garden is because of their beauty. You see mostly ladybugs that are red but they come in other colors, such as orange and yellow as well How to Attract Them: You can attract ladybugs by planting dill and fennel. These two plants also attract...