When they turned X-ray telescopes, such as the Chandra X-ray Observatory, toward these clusters, they did indeed find vast clouds of superheated gas. Not enough, however, to account for the discrepancies in mass. The measurement of hot gas pressure in galactic clusters has shown that there ...
Look for lighter knots — bulbous chunks of wood on branches. This is accumulated sap and will burn long and slow. When breaking larger branches, avoid doing so over your knee — it's a good way to injure yourself. Place one end of the branch against a large rock and use the bottom ...
Legend has it that Coca-Cola company owner Asa Candler created the world's first coupon when he handwrote tickets for a free glass of Coca-Cola back in 1887 [source: Tuttle]. Since then, coupons have become a mainstay of American consumer life. They're all over the Internet now with ...
What are the units of measurement for tangential speed? For rotational speed? A train moves in a straight line at 30 mph for two hours. Then it goes at 70 mph for five hours. How far did it travel? What was the average velocity? You must solve for the displacement for the trip (dis...
Did Compass Malfunctions Cause Bermuda Triangle Disappearances? In almost every account of the mystery surrounding the Bermuda Triangle, you'll see reference to the fact that it is one of only two places on Earth (the other being the Devil's Sea off the coast of Japan) where a compass poin...
Both engine types require fuel, and lots of it. For example, the QE2 consumes about 380 tons of fuel daily if it's traveling at a speed of 28.5 knots and carries enough fuel to sail nonstop for 12 days [source:Warwick]. Cruise ships usually fill up at various ports, using fueling ba...
Now, if you think about a classic bow, maybe a hair tie bow, or a shoe bow, a lot of times you're going to think of a knotted center of that bow. Sometimes those knots can come up a little bit warped or twisted. And so in order to make a nice clean cut look, we're going...
"It doesn't matter how beautiful your idea is, it doesn't matter how smart or important you are. If the idea doesn't agree with reality, it's wrong", Richard Feynman (paraphrased)
I've tied myself in knots classifying this one, though. To my mind most examples of it are clearly over the "scam" line, and I think almost everybody would agree that at least some examples of it definitely are, but... Look. Here's the deal. The other day, I wrote about "liquid...
There are two ways to measure your band size. The best bet is to do it both ways to see if you get a consistent measurement. 1. Bring the measuring tape around your back to the front, keeping it under the arms and bringing it up across to the middle of your chest. If you get an...