Banquo tells Macbeth something the King did right before going to bed. What is the final action of King Duncan's life? What does it tell us about King Duncan? How does it reinforce the themes of the play? In which ways does the narrator influence th...
Macbeth:Macbeth is a tragedy by William Shakespeare about the dangers of unchecked ambition. Macbeth, the protagonist, is a Scottish lord who has the total trust of his king. However, when he learns from three witches that he will one day wear the crown, he decides to murder his king and...
Banquo tells Macbeth something the King did right before going to bed. What is the final action of King Duncan's life? What does it tell us about King Duncan? How does it reinforce the themes of the play? In his final speech, Othello says that h...
King David in the Books of Samuel: Despite being a beloved king and the ancestor of the Messiah, David is an adulterer and a murderer who abuses his power, which paints him as an antihero. Samson in the Book of Judges: Samson repeatedly disobeys God's commands, acts out of revenge, a...
At her castle in Dunsinane, Lady Macbeth reads a letter from her husband detailing the witches’ prophecies and she immediately decides that King Duncan must die. Enclosed in this scene is the importance of the relationship of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth as well as the themes of gender and ...
Macbeth moves progressively farther from God and moral rightness, the opposite of Dante both in character and development. Macbeth begins as an honourable man who wants to serve his King and country but eventually becomes a traitor to his benefactor which, in the terms of Inferno, would place ...
How long did John Keats the poet live? How long did King Henry VIII live? Did William Shakespeare die on his birthday? What did Shakespeare do for a living? How old was William Shakespeare when he wrote ''Macbeth''? How old was William Shakespeare when he moved to London? What year di...
Macbeth(9-12) The Magician's Nephew(5-7) Maniac Magee(6-8) The Merchant of Venice(9-12) The Minstrel in the Tower(2-4) Miss Rumphius(1-3) Mr. Popper's Penguins(3-5) New Coat for Anna(1-3) Number the Stars(5-7) The Old Man and the Sea(9-12) ...
Which Shakespeare play did Sir John Falstaff first appear in before his starring role in “The Merry Wives of Windsor”? “Henry V” “Othello” “Henry IV Part 1” “Hamlet” Duncan rewards Macbeth by making him… King of Scotland Thane of Cawdor Lord of Inverness Thane of Glamis How man...
She must be tough, but not a Lady Macbeth. She must be just the right amount of decent-looking. Not too attractive to be considered stupid, but not too unattractive to be considered too ugly for men to look at her face on TV. To be crass, she can be a hot grandma, but she canno...