Findings will be published in suitable international journals and disseminated through conferences.doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041743Christina stervangAnnmarie Touborg LassenCharlotte Myhre JensenElisabeth CoyneKarin Brochstedt DieperinkBMJ Open
Unify online and in-person sales today. For free. Talk to sales What to Sell: How to Find a Great Product-Market Fit for Your Brand You Just Find a Way: The Owners of Delancey Sports on Opening a Store Mid-Pandemic byKarin Eldor ...
But you don’t have to do something as wacky as I did to learn to have fun by yourself again. Start by doing something small that you enjoy, and take it from there. Perhaps you decide to take yourself to a move alone, explore a new part of town, or buy yourself some flowers. Yes...
Sepsis, which draws its name from an ancient Greek word meaning putrefaction or rot, affects 1.7 million people in the U.S. each year. It has long plagued hospitals. It's their top cause of death: 1 in 3 people who die in a U.S. hospital had sepsis while in the hospital. Sepsis-...
We found that the most creative companies, based on their ACS, did better than peer firms on two key business metrics: financial performance and McKinsey’s Innovation Score. This doesn’t mean there’s a straight-line path between climbing the podium ...
20/2021, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn Google Scholar [35] Leal-Arcas Rafael A legal exploration of the European Union’s carbon border adjustment mechanism Eur. Energy Environ. Law Rev., 31 (4) (2022), pp. 223-240 Google Scholar [36] Magacho Guilherme, Espagne ...
If they did, can you imagine how easily planes could be shot out of the skies in war zones? It would be awesome to get more information on what planes are doing this. But it may very well be only government planes and then we’ll never know. It’s amazing that people don’t speak...
“He comes and just swings at me, hits my arm, and is twisting my arm,” says Dunsford. “Then he’s swinging around to get my phone out of my hand. When he did that, he hit me, and I got a black eye from it. He didn’t ask me once to le...
So why did you put the word “Jews” in there. The Bible warns about tampering with Holy Scriptures – an endless time in the lake of fire. “In Isaac shall Abraham’s seed be called.” That is, those who are born SUPERNATURALLY as Isaac was, now through Christian baptism, as St ...
Since I am trying to get more scrap booking done, I did a scrapbook page for this challenge. Over the years, I have amassed QUITE the collection of card stock; and inking, painting, etc is one way to dress up that card stock to use for a layout. I am sure many of you are in ...