Antonio RuizJose C. RuizMachuca J.A.D, Machuca M.A.D, Ruiz del Castillo J.C. y Ruiz A.(1993), "Systems Thinking Learning for Management Education. What are our ideas and how are we ...
How did Lazaro Cardenas die? How were Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata different? What type of art was Jose Guadalupe Posada known for? What did Victoriano Huerta do in Morelos? How was Salvador Dali viewed in 1929? How did Pancho Villa build his status? What did Francisco Madero do to ...
transportEnvironmental issues have over the last few years become an increasing concern for both the public and for companies, but, less is known about how companies coudoi:10.30638/eemj.2015.229Ferron-Vilchez, VeraUniv Granadade la Torre-Ruiz, Jose Manuel...
One of the most frequent questions I get asked is how do I weave in my ends, especially on corner-to-corner (C2C) crochet projects.I’ve posted a few quick videos on my Facebook page a few times over the years, but thought it warranted a full blog post to clear up any confusion!
Several other participants in the extraction appear to continue to serve as deputies asrecently as 2019, including Clayton Stelter, Frank Quintana, Javier Guzman,Hernan Delgado, Adam Ruiz, Francisco Alonso, Enrique Cano, Alejandro Hernandez Castanon, Ivan Delatorre, Jeffrey Demooy, Arthur Diaz, Jr...
doi:10.1016/j.dss.2019.113223Jose BenitezLaura RuizAna CastilloFrancisco Javier Llorens MontesDecision Support Systems
Jose M. Sanchez-RuizFacultad de CienciasProteins: Structure, Function, and BioinformaticsGarcia-Seisdedos H, Ibarra-Molero B, Sanchez-Ruiz JM: How many ionizable groups can sit on a protein hydrophobic core? Proteins 2011, 80(1):1-7.
Jose Fran. RuizMarinella PetrocchiIlaria MatteucciGianpiero CostantinoAnil OzdenizSpringer International PublishingJ. Ruiz, M. Petrocchi, I. Matteucci, C. Gambardella, G. Costantino, M. Manea, and A. Ozdeniz: The lifecycle of Data Sharing Agreements: how it works out. Springer APF 2016, in ...
Conclusion : A substantial percentage of the population perceived that their children slept poorly, which was evident in a variety of sleep patterns, including sleep duration and sleep quality.doi:10.1007/s00431-020-03786-2Pia CassanelloIrene Ruiz-Botia...
This technique is simple, practical and useful. It is important to realize that multiple techniques have been used by different people for many years.doi:10.1288/00005537-197901000-00019Joseph P. KeenanJose W. RuizG. Gordon Snyder IIIJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Laryngoscope...