How many miracles did Jesus perform in the New Testament? Miracles: In the Christian Bible, miracles are acts performed by God, by angels, or by those appointed by God (namely Jesus) that are paranormal in nature and usually beneficial for people. ...
God is in the business of opening people's eyes and changing them. Only God can turn a heart of stone into a heart of flesh. Pray that He will make them aware of their sinful behavior and change them...
Father, thank you for sending your son to earth as a small baby. Thank you that lowly shepherds were among the first to greet Jesus and for the reminder of the significance of the birth. We praise you, just as the angels and shepherds did on that night so long ago. Amen. ©Chrissy...
1 用英文翻译这几句话This thenis how you should pray:"'Our Father in heavenhallowed be your name,your kingdom comeyour will be done on earth as it is in heaven.Give us today our daily bread.Forgive us our debtsas we also have forgiven our debtors.And lead us not into temptationbut ...
He alone made it possible for you to be in Christ Jesus. And Jesus is the one who made you acceptable to God. How did Jesus make you acceptable to God? Well, first, here's the age-old problem: God is perfect, ...
loved ones will ever come under any kind of direct human or demonic attack – or they can choose to learn how to rise up in the power of their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and learn how to spiritually defend themselves using spiritual warfare techniques as given to us out of the Bible...
How Did We Get the Bible? 2 Timothy 3:16-17;2 Peter 1:20-21The Bible is inspired by God. The bible is made up of 66 different books written over 1600 years from around 1500 BC to AD 100 by more than 40 kings, prophets, leaders, and followers of the apostles of Jesus. Traditiona...
So Jesus told them, “When you pray, say: ‘Father, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come.Romans 8:15For you did not receive a spirit of slavery that returns you to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption to sonship, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!”Galatians 4:6And ...
InPhilippians 4:6, the Bible says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Father are always listening whenever we call on them. So we shouldn’t be anxious...
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one” (Matthew 6:9–13). This prayer is a clear, straightforward pattern for developing a God-filled life. Jesus did not say, “Pray this.” He said, “This is how you should pray.” In other words: Here is the ...