True Jew: How Jesus Really Ended Up on a Roman Cross, How We Still Cover It Up - Leon ZitzerLetts, Malcolm
But once she launches into her blasphemy against Jesus Christ, her eyes glare up and the tone of voice betrays a demonic malice. [Clip: “I hope the Jews did kill Christ! I’d do it again! I’d f…’n do it again in a second!”] In her 2011 feature, “The Morning After,”...
4This matter arose because some false believers had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make us slaves. 5We did not give in to them for a moment, so that the truth of the gospel might be preserved for you. 6As for those who were held in ...
she wanted to wait for him and see jesus whom she loved. y vamm hwegoll a welas dell esens orth y dhyghtya pyteth meur a's kemmeras hy holonn nammna grakkya dre unn skochfordh y poenyas kavoes hy mab mar kalla y wortos hi a vynnas gweles yesus a gara langbot The ...
Jesus, Jesus’ followers, and the earliest Christians were frequently considered a Jewish sect by their Roman masters, much as the Essenes or the Pharisees. Due to a long tradition of friendly relations between the various leaders of Judea and Rome, the Jews had been granted special privilege ...
And this is all brought into focus by the events surrounding Jesus.The principle [of interpretation of scripture] is the same as in the Dead Sea Scroll texts. Now obviously Jews don’t have the same perspective.HS: What’s the Jewish perspective?
nor an appearance that we would take pleasure in Him.” Jesus was, at best, an average-looking guy, which probably meant He was of average height. With that in mind, the fairest speculation as to how tall Jesus was would be the average height of afirst-century male Jewresiding in the...
In short, what do you make of Jesus Christ? What do you think of Him? His name is on you—what do you make of that? Is that what you want?The second has to do with your attitude toward Scripture. Are you hungry to hear about the things of God? “As newborn babes, desire the...
There are a number of similarities between various pagan/mystery cult gods and Christianity. These are some of them.The birth date of most of the sun gods is December 25. It's the date of the winter solstice and the date adopted by the church as the birth date of Jesus Christ. The ...
So, I made my choice, I was going to raise her as a single parent. She had a desire to get to know about Jesus more. She started attending church on her own with her two little brothers in tow. I did not attend church with them. She would walk about one block to St. Paul’s...