How Jelly Roll Morton Invented JazzAylea StephensBrigham Young University
This book tells the poetic story of Jelly Roll Morton in a creative way. When he was a baby, his godmother, a voodoo queen, put a spell on him and then got arrested with him when he was just a baby. Music is the only thing that can stop him from crying in jail, and later in ...
One thing I learned during a power outage 2 weeks ago was that bottled water labeled “purified with added minerals” upset the digestion of a few of us with a more sensitive system. This was after 2 days of drinking no other water. Now the bottled water labeled “spring water” did not...
In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Reviewed by Elizabeth Bush W inter , J onah How Jelly Roll Morton Invented Jazz ; illus. by Keith Mallett. Porter/Roaring Brook, 2015 32p ISBN 978-1-59643-963-4 $17.99 R 6-9 yrs In this picture-book bio, Winter bac...