How did the first humans get to Hawaii? The Hawaiian Islands were first settled as early as 400 C.E., when Polynesians from the Marquesas Islands, 2000 miles away, traveled to Hawaii's Big Islandin canoes. ... The first European to set foot in Hawaii was Captain James Cook, who lande...
Molly Sequin
Hawaiian eruptions are so named because they are common to Hawaii's volcanoes. Strombolian Eruptions: These eruptions are fairly impressive but not particularly dangerous. They thrust small amounts of lava 50 to a few hundred feet (15 to 90 meters) in the air, in very short bursts. The ...
Long beforeclocksand calendars, humans turned to the heavens to measure time and orient themselves on the planet. Ancient people observed cycles related to the motions of Earth, the sun and the moon and used these cycles to determine the length of days, months and years. They also watched th...
Because Mars has no magnetic field, humans would receive whopping doses of cosmic radiation — not a problem on Earth, where the planet's magnetic field works to block it out. A 1,000-day trip to Mars has the potential to result in a 40 percent chance of the astronaut developing cancer...
If you live in a region where winter weather is a regular risk, you are likely used to pouring salt on your sidewalks. But how does it work? And how much salt do humans pour onto our planet’s surface? Th...
Instances of regular intervals between earthquakes of similar magnitudes have been noted in other places, including Hawaii, but these are the exception, not the rule. Far more often, recurrence intervals are given as averages with large margins of error. For areas prone to large earthq...
Honolulu, Hawaii Measuring I.Q. is difficult, even in humans. But my friend Diana Reiss, a psychologist and author of the book The Dolphin in the Mirror, notes that I.Q. generally translates into intelligence, and that intelligence is, in the words ...
Hawaii shirts Kids laugh Nij: Pants on your head – great idea! Kid 2: Some kind of dressed Kid 1: That looks nice! Kid 2: Pyjamas! Nij: I'm gonna dress up like a pirate! Yarr! Kids laugh Nij: All these clothes look so different…. And feel so different too! Sounds: Different...
NBC NEWS: Did you hear any alarms, did you get any kind of warning? OCHOA: No alarms, no warning, nothing. No, no sign, nothing, that we had to evacuate. Ed Galea says it’s too early to know everything that went wrong in Hawaii — but: it’s clear that the evacuation was a...