由指控明星名人泛起的社会情绪,冲决理性堤坝的溢出效应会向社会蔓延,从线上向线下延伸,___社会神经,滋长舆论的非理性焦虑,即便有当事人的陈情、助推者的道歉、法院的裁决,但如脱缰之马的口水论战却长久难以___,共识将长期难以达成。最终受害者为谁,恐怕不只是明星。 依次填入画横线部分最恰当的一项是:
形成非同一控制下的企业合并,合并当日乙公司可辨认净资产公允价值总额为2200万元。2×21年12 月 10日甲公司处置乙公司 5%的股权取得价款 220 万元。当日乙公司有关资产、负债以购买日开始持续计算的账面价值为 3024 万元。2×21年12月10日乙公司可辨认净资产公允价值为 3080万元。甲公司...
In Greek mythology, evil persisted in even the most fantastical of realms. How did Hesiod explain the presence of evil in the world? Through the story of Hercules Through the myth of Pandora Through the parable of the scale Through the existence of humanity KenWiedemann / E+ / Getty...
Most of the earliest known poetry was a form of epic poetry, some of which dates back centuries before humans began writing down their stories. One of the earliest poetic works, the "Epic of Gilgamesh," dates back to around 2000 B.C., when it was part of the oral tradition of the ...
In today's unimaginably vast Internet, data is fractured and misplaced or frequently simply impossible to find. But folklore doesn't demand rigid answers about a story's origins. All it demands is that we humans share our lives with one another. And with the Internet, we can share more ...
After some time, it would become visible, looking just as the person did in life. Again, the strigo would return to its family, stealing cattle, begging for food and bringing disease. Strigoi would feed on humans, first their family members and then anyone else they happened to come across...
How are humans created in Japanese mythology? How did members of the genus Australopithecus live? How did Aphrodite come into existence? How does the fake mosquito help Popol Vuh? Why did Australopithecus africanus become extinct? How did Australopithecus afarensis get their food?
(5)In Greek mythology.Prometheus once saw that humans lived in the wild.He wanted to help them.So he showed them how to make fire.Zeus,the king of the gods,did not want this to happen.So when Zeus found out,he was very angry.答案(1)broke.考查动词。结合句意,昨天...
Is the beginning of To Build a Fire foreshadowing? How is The Hobbit a book about good versus evil? How did Charon become the ferryman in Greek mythology? How does Theogony mirror Greek history? Was there any situational irony in The Hobbit? How does Percy's mom get back from the Underwo...
However, each year, there was no promise that the seasons would shift and change to bring back the sun until the day that it did. The winter solstice, Christmas, and most other cultural celebrations at this time of year are thus “Celebrations of light.” What is the mythology behind the...