How did the universe begin? 2. How did life begin on the earth? There are different legends(传说) of how the universe and life began in different cultures: In Chinese culture… Pangu separated the the sky from the earth The Goddess Nuwa mended the heaven and created human beings In ...
Is life a game of chance? To help answer one of the great existential questions — how did life begin? — a new study combines biological and cosmological models. Professor Tomonori Totani from the Department of Astronomy looked at how life’s building blocks could spontaneously form in the un...
How did life on Earth begin and evolve?The many different species of living things on Earth (and many species that are now extinct) evolved from very simple living things.Life on Earth began about 3500 million years ago.Evidence for evolution is provided by fossils and from analysis of ...
Suppose you are an astronomer and you are asked to deliver a speech about the development of life one the earth. • You can refer to the chart bellow and begin like this: Good afternoon, I am Dr…. I’m greatly honored to be here to give you a speech about the development of ...
HowtheearthcomeintobeingTheproblemoftheearthcausedbyhumanbeingHowthehumanbeingbuildtheearthHowthelifedevelopedontheearth Task1sFaksimtrmeaindging •2.Howdidtheuniversebeginaccordingtoawidelyacceptedtheory?TheuniversebeganwithaBigBang.Task12csakrimefmulinregading What’sthemainideaforeachPara?Para.1 The...
What did jack do to hear more workers to put an ad on tv. He put a an ad in the newspaper. He tried to find someone on the night. He tried someone to recommend some people. While it is hard for jack to find good workers at the moment. Because there are many construction work ...
His latest book, “Life After Power,” is a fascinating exploration about what seven American presidents did after leaving the most influential job in the world. In this episode of ReThinking with Adam Grant, another podcast in the TED Audio Collective, Adam and Jared discuss the psychology of...
2.Whatmadeup(构成)theearth’satmosphereaftertheearthexploded?Carbondioxide,nitrogen,watervapourandothergases.3.Whyiswatersoimportantforthebeginningoflife?Becausewaterallowedtheearthtodissolveharmfulgasesandacidsintooceansandseas.Howdidtheearthcomeintobeing(产生)?sionproduce?thee Acloudofdustsettleintoasolidglobe...
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---What made it possible for life to begin to develop? ---What are the differences between reptiles and mammals? ---How did dinosaurs disappear? Are there any widely accepted theories? ---Who are not taking care of the earth? Purpose: Further understand the text to find out some differe...