Months before Germany’s unconditional surrender in World War II, the “Big Three” Allied powers—the United States, Great Britain and the Soviet Union—met at the Yalta Conference to discuss Germany’s future. They all wanted to avoid a repeat of what had happened after World War I, when...
The Osoaviakhim scientists were gradually allowed to return to Germany after 1950, with the vast majority leaving after Stalin’s death in March of 1953. But in the end, at the start of this video we asked the question: how did Germany and Austria denazify so quickly after WWII? Especiall...
How was Germany divided during the Cold War? How did the Cold War lead to conflict? The Cold War was a conflict that emerged in the aftermath of World War II between the United States and the Soviet Union. How did the United States become involved in the fighting of the Cold ...
How did Germany violate the Treaty of Versailles? How were the European colonies involved in the war during World War I? How was Germany divided during the Cold War? How was the Berlin Blockade related to the Cold War? How did the Treaty of Versailles help cause WWII? How did...
A former assistant pastry chef told Kessler that Hillary Clinton did not approve of maintenance work being done in the White House while they were present. An agent assigned to protect her said that when she was in front of the press she "turns it on", and when the lights are off and ...
Question: How did Hitler react to Germany losing the war? Hitler and World War II Adolf Hitler was the Chancellor of Germany and leader of the Nazis. Throughout the war, he was convinced that Germany would be victorious. Answer and Explanation: ...
Fascism arises from poor socio-economic conditions — like those of post-World War I Europe or post-World War II Japan. The countries that were defeated inWorld War Isuffered greatly from the restrictions placed on them after the war. In Germany, a fascist government promised a return to a...
Historians ask what makes modern-day Europe different from Europe 500 years ago and how did it become what it is currently? Europe of the 1500s would be unrecognizable to current day Europeans. Technology and medicinal advances are notable differences. In addition, the landscape has changed. ...
When Czar Nicholas was dethroned in 1917, Lenin was in exile in Switzerland for playing a part in some previous anti-czar plots. When he heard of the uprising, Lenin cut a deal with Germany. If the Germans could transport him home, he would get Russia to back out of World War I. The...
WWII further estranged German Americans from their home country Germany as people witnessing the Nazi atrocities. No ethnicities in the US have experienced such long persecution, and after that German culture disappeared. English gained a higher political status ever since the founding of the country,...