The 1979 Iranian Revolution played a crucial role in the development of Shia fundamentalism in Iran and throughout the Middle East. Since the 1979 Revolution, religion in Iran has transitioned from a social movement calling for reform, to a fundamentalist ideology that is resistant to change. ...
The NRA’s role in transforming the Second Amendment to one of central political importance has been well documented (Dunbar-Ortiz,2018; Halbrook,2008; Melzer,2012; Waldman,2015). Melzer’sGun Crusadersprovided an in-depth study of NRA members and how the NRA as a social movement organization...
(Prof. Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky, “Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel”, Pluto Press, London 1999, page 62) The latest face of Israeli terrorism was revealed during a live interview with Palestinian President Yasser Arafat by Al Jazeera Television. President Arafat has accused the Zionist ...