These stunning NASA photos show how the Earth has changed in the last few decadesDarren WeaverJessica Orwig
Jupiter has been known since very ancient times, so how did Jupiter get its name? While it had many names throughout history, the Roman empire had the greatest influence over a wide portion of modern society, so the names accorded to planets by the Romans still hold sway over astronomy. T...
The collision was enough to vaporize some of the Earth's outer layers and melt both bodies, and a portion of the mantle material was ejected into orbit around the Earth. The ejecta in orbit around the Earth condensed, and under the influence of its own gravity, became a more spherical bod...
However, in the regions with more adequate moisture, the response of the SOS to temperature was more sensitive, and an increase in precipitation did not advance the SOS; instead, a lack of light intensity or a shortening of daylight hours indirectly reduced surface temperature and thus delayed ...
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Explore NASA's lunar exploration plans with theirMoon to Mars overview. You can read about how to get people from Earth to Mars and safely back again with this informative article onThe Conversation.Curious about the human health risks of a mission to the Red Planet? You may find thisresearc...
The hang glider's wing, called a delta wing or Rogallo wing, is an outgrowth of NASA engineer Francis Rogallo's research on kites and parachutes in the 1960s. Rogallo had proposed the wing as a method of returning spacecraft to Earth. The delta-wing parachute was lightweight, durabl...
But while they did not land on the moon, on their return to earth the Apollo 10 crew did set a record for the highest speed attained by a manned vehicle: 39,987 kilometres an hour – a record which still stands to this day.
Can NASA’s next big space telescope take a picture of an alien Earth-like planet orbiting another star? Astronomers have long dreamed of such pictures, which would allow them to study worlds beyond our solar system for signs of habitability and life. But for as long as astronomers ...
Our next step is deep space,where NASA will send a robotic mission to catch and redirect an asteroid to orbit the moon.Astronauts aboard the Orion spacecraft will explore the asteroid in the 2020s,returning to Earth with samples.This experience in human spaceflight beyond low-Earth orbit will...