“‘Brethren, the Scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit foretold by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who became a guide to those who arrested Jesus. For he was counted among us and received his share in this ministry.’ (Now this man acquired a field with the price o...
Yet, in the Person of Jesus, the CHRIST, the World and the Human Race can be SAVED from the combination of Divine condemnation and DEATH. And ‘HOW did this Jesus, this CHRIST, come to our World, to our Human Race in order TO SAVE it from Divine condemnation and death?’ By being ...
This first verse will completely set the stage for you to be able to receive direct knowledge from the Lord. This first verse is literally telling us that God is wanting us to grow in the knowledge of Him and His Son Jesus. “… but GROW in the grace and KNOWLEDGE of our Lord and S...
Briefly describe the scenarios of how the seed is sown and what happens to each. How does the world influence a new believer and what is the result? See verse 19. The battles of spiritual warfare are intense when a person decides to accept Jesus as their Savior. The ...
So why then did you amputate your own testicles and head of penis Jesus? Why did you castrate and emasculate yourself? You had no need for this. Who on this planet could've had more Holy Spirit in him than you? Or were you also drunk when you uttered this lie? The NT calls ...
athe reference to the person who gives a drink of water to a disciple on the ground that he belongs to Jesus concretely illustrates the principle of verse 40 and indicates how wide is the range of participation in the mission which Jesus envisions 在基础上给水饮料一门徒的人的参考他属于耶稣...
from each other. The same question is of great importanceif one considers whether Guru-śiṣya relationships are comparable to master/disciple, teacher/student, and Mahatma/chela relationships. This is one of thefundamental questions with which this book is concerned and is closely linkedto its...
This was not much different from what Moses, Joshua or David did. The secret is to make this a glad lifestyle incorporated into every part of every day. Thus for the Jews in the time of Jesus, this was 6-8 scheduled events a day of 15 minutes to an hour or so each, and then va...
God created the individual, both male and female and put them in an earthly paradise, the Garden of Eden. He gave them one rule only. Each person was responsible to God to obey that rule, to direct and control, to govern according to that one rule. The only government was self-governme...
but client-Kings and Governors alike ultimately answered to Caesar. Roman tolerance of each various culture thus determined the subject race’s quality of life, freedom, and even their right to exist. The following narrative recounts how difficult life could be for a conquered people whose ways ...