How Did Aaliyah Die? A Recap Of the R&B Singer's Passing Source: Getty Images It’s not news that the music industry has suffered great losses over the years. From Whitney Houston's untimely passing to the death ofrap icon DMX, it’s been a tough time for music fans. In fact, mos...
How long did it take to just secure all the features for the project? It didn't really take that long, for real. I’ve been working on this project for like seven months. Didn't really take as long as I thought it would take. I probably re-did the album like -- w...
In ‘Euphoria,’ Kendrick Lamar fires off a list of all the things he hates about Drake that’s not only a hilariously petty harangue on Drake’s character — and fashion sense — but a hat tip to the origin of the beef: the late rapper DMX.
But how did The Scrantones' song get chosen as the theme to one of the biggest sitcoms in recent network TV history? Here's how we got the instrumental "The Office" theme instead of The Kinks song the producers considered.The cast ultimately chose the theme song we know and love NBCUniv...
I hadn't seen that response while writing my response (I was called away for a bit there). Compare this to other tools (Pinegrow, Wappler, DMXZone layout) which work directly with the code through classes to keep track of things. And Harmony's layouts break down...
How did I get here? Making the Black List changed my career, but it didn't get me paid right away. I quit my assistant job, but I didn't have a steady income. I wasn't able to devote my entire life to making my boss' calendar fall in line, but I also needed to find a way...
How did you come up with the name “Hard Kryptic Records”? Jimmy was releasing DJ podcasts under the name Kryptic Music, and I had been releasing my band’s demos under an unofficial How Hard Records name—basically keeping the name around in the hopes of eventually launching it for real...
Yes, the string did start to get orange at the end at full power. I actually didn’t just run out of apartment when making this long string – I also ran out of power supplies. I had 3 supplies, each10amps. This isalmostenough, but not when every single LED is full brightness whit...