After being introduced to the lives of Jodio and Dragona Joestar, fans seeThe JoJoLandschapter 1shift focus to their mother, Barbara Ann Joestar. Jodio describes her morning routine and why the children in the neighborhood always seem more than willing to help her on her walks and with variou...
a tried and true approach with videogames--especially jRPGs, jAnything really, like Megaman X did this--is to have the player lose to the villain in a scripted unwinnable fight near the start of the game, and then spend the game powering up for the rematch; like I said, it'...
With their large diversity in sizes, leaf forms, shapes and eye-catching fall colors in a range of robust hues,Japanese maple treesare sure to be the stars of the garden, adding interest all season long. Some varieties even have colorful bark. They rate as one of the most stunning and ...
How did this advanced dreamer emerge from the gorge? Where does he have to climb to get closer to the winged sun? He has not yet overcome even half of the sheer cliff, but at the end of the climb he will find himself on a high plateau depicted by Bely resembling extremely that "...
今天想和大家聊一聊的,就是《JOJO的奇妙冒险 星尘斗士》里几位堪称变脸大师的角色,变脸都超厉害,而且一个二个变脸之后都一脸dio样,让人忍不住笑出声。 路人少女 这位包子头少女颜值本身挺正常的,也不是什么敌人,只是一个普通路人,不过,身体逐渐磁化的二乔把她裙子给吸了起来,导致她以为二乔是个变态老头,当场就...