The uncertainty brought by COVID-19 has highlighted how important it is to make decisions quickly. The situation is changing people's lives and its effects on the economy are already being felt across different sectors. Catch up with our webinars to get a clearer picture of the impact on b...
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the vast differences in approaches to the control and containment of coronavirus across the world and has demonstrated the varied success of such approaches in minimizing the transmission of coronavirus. Whil
The COVID-19 global pandemic transformed life as we knew it and posed enormous challenges for the international community. Most notably, countries closed their borders, causing massive international shipping delays and supply chain disruptions. As many businesses relied heavily on effective l...
A review on how the strategies to control COVID-19 pandemic work in different countries in the worlddoi:10.23736/S2724-6612.22.02340-5MEDICAL masksWORLD healthINFECTION controlPREVENTIVE health servicesSTAY-at-home ordersSOCIAL distancingCOVID-19 pandemic...
Governments are taking unprecedented measures to limit the spread of the virus with the aim of eventually containing this pandemic. As such, COVID-19 has massively affected the lives of people all over the world. Countries have taken drastic measures to contain the outbreak. In Europe, several ...
“China has veered between these competing impulses ever since, between opening up and clamping down, between experimenting with change and resisting it, always pulling back before going too far in either direction for fear of running aground.” [12] Although Pan did not say why China was able...
Consumer shopping and spending habits look different today. Which changes will persist? What trends should retailers bear in mind heading into the holidays? The ongoing COVID-19 crisis has altered how, when, and where we shop and what we buy. Digital has b...
world of AIDS denial toa “beehive”: It looks like a chaotic mix of people, pursuing bad science and debunked ideas for their own particular ends. But if you look closer, what appears to be a swarm is actually “very well organized.” The modern, post-covid variety is no different....
Well-grounded: It proposes a comprehensive, highly cited, and still relevant theoretical model, which is based on an extensive review of studies of past large-scale epidemics that did span centuries and, as such, were of different nature, speaking to the generalizability of the framework. (2)...
But why did Trump and many of his supporters see NAFTA as "the worst trade deal maybe ever" when others saw its main shortcoming as a lack of ambition and the solution as yet more regional integration? What was promised? What was delivered? Who were NAFTA's winners, and who were its ...