Often in uncertain economic environments, companies slow their technology investments to a trickle. But during the COVID-19 pandemic, 92% did not halt technology investments. This speaks to the value of a digital supply chain in helping enterprises navigate disruptive forces and respond faster to v...
How did COVID-19 affect green-fuel supply chain? - A performance analysis of Brazilian ethanol sectorPaulo Nocera Alves Junior PhD a bIsotilia Costa Melo PhD c dRodrigo de Moraes Santos MSc cFernando Vinícius da Rocha PhD aJosé Vicente Caixeta-Filho PhD a...
The COVID-19 global pandemic transformed life as we knew it and posed enormous challenges for the international community. Most notably, countries closed their borders, causing massive international shipping delays and supply chain disruptions. As many businesses relied heavily on effective ...
regional concerns. Travel restrictions, shortages in labor and materials, as well as logistical challenges through tightened controls, and hub and border closures will cascade and augment the impact much further today than it did 17 years ago. Indeed, the coronavirus outbreak has already eclipsed ...
The COVID-19 Impact on Supply Chains, Focusing on the Automotive Segment during the Second and Third Wave of the Pandemic 2022, Risks Pouring cement down one of your oil wells: Relationship between the supply chain disruption orientation and performance 2022, Production and Operations Management Vie...
Supply chain resilience is important — nay, critical — because supply chain disruptions have always been happening and will keep happening. Before the COVID-19 pandemic in the early 2020s, on average, companies experienced a one-to-two-month disruption every three and a half years or so. ...
January 23, 2025 The “America First Trade Policy” EO instead postponed until at least February 1 the proposed 25% tariffs on goods imported from Canada and Mexico and postponed any other tariffs indefinitely pending multiple reviews of assorted trade-related issues by many departments...
The COVID-19 crisis put supply chains into the spotlight. Over the past year, supply-chain leaders have taken decisive action in response to the challenges of the pandemic: adapting effectively to new ways of working, boosting inventories, and ramping their digital and risk-management capabilities...
The direct effects, propagation effects, including upstream, downstream, and multiple effects of supply chain disruptions, and the competitive effects are examined to develop insights into the impact of COVID-19. The results show that COVID-19 has an immediate impact on Chinese firms. But the ...
The following research questions were established to guide the survey analysis: 1) How did the COVID-19 pandemic impact delivery preferences and use in the short term? and 2) Did the COVID-19 pandemic cause a permanent change in delivery service preferences and use? Survey responses were ...