This paper investigates the impacts of the economic shock caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on the employment of different types of workers in developing countrieKugler, MauriceViollaz, MarianaDuque, DanielGaddis, IsisNewhouse, David LockePalacios-Lopez, Amparo...
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has created an economic crisis alongside a health care crisis. During the 2 weeks ending on March 28, nearly 10
"Since the beginning of the pandemic, food workers have been at high risk of COVID-19 infection because of their daily contact with a large number of people," said Denis Boudreau, a professor in the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Université Laval. "However, there is still no precis...
Response to the COVID-19 pandemic has had tremendous effects on the global economy and social life, and it has significantly disrupted transportation systems across the world. With the rising number of cases and deaths from the pandemic, nations and local governments, including many across the U...
2020 is the last year of China's 13th Five-Year Plan (FYP). However, the sudden COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the original pace of production and life. It's also a major test for the country's public health system. "The practice of fighting COVID-19 exposed many loop...
The good news is that there should be enough work to go around. If you have the experience, use it to your benefit. If you do not, your portfolio can work for you, even if it is just your own professional website. The COVID-19 crisis has made everything uncertain. However, as fre...
A decreased or altered sense of smell—called olfactory dysfunction—is a common symptom experienced by individuals with COVID-19. As described in an article published in The Laryngoscope, researchers recently searched the medical literature for studies
Enough time has passed since the 2020 presidential election that we can now ask: What effect did COVID-19, arguably the biggest event of the year — of the century, even — have on the election outcome? The answer to this question probably seems straightforward considering how abysmally Americ...
Since inflation and employment are some of the most closely monitored economic indicators, we’ll delve into their relationship and how they affect the overall economy. Key Takeaways Inflation and unemployment typically have an inverse correlation, but the relationship is a complex one. In times ...
Recent research indicates that during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the proportion of working-aged U.S. adults without health insurance did not change despite increases in unemployment, and the prevalence of unhealthy behaviors decreased. The