manager of Homeless and Highly Mobile Student Services forMinneapolis Public Schools. “Experiencing homelessness is always hard, but it doesn’t affect all kids the same way. If a child hasn’t been at school for over
Conspirituality co-author Julian Walker joins us to discuss how influencers have curdled New Age spirituality and wellness with the politics of paranoia. What We Discuss with Julian Walker: Why have so many wellness influencers gone off the conspiracy deep end since COVID began? What do these ...
COVID-19 was responsible for plunging roughly 100 million more people into extreme poverty, according to the World Bank.10 Poverty and Children The impact of poverty on children is substantial. Children who grow up in poverty typically suffer from severe and frequent health problems. Infants born...
The development of the online meal-delivery industry is a double-edged sword, with potential to both hamper and drive progress towards achievement of the S
Foods with too much salt and sugar affect the microbiome (肠道菌群) in your body by killing the right bacteria (细菌) in it. These bacteria protect you from illness and keep your mind sharp. Lacking them can lead to being overweight and depression. Rob Knight is a scientist at the Unive...
Although pregnancy and the first year of life are sensitive windows for child development, we know very little about the lived experiences of mothers livin
we still have only limited ideas about how to abate the harms of drugs. It is also a failure of knowledge. One can easily find out how many people died of Covid-19 last week, but we still have only estimates of how many people died of drug overdoses last year. And of course, it...
I unthinkingly tried driving off the tow truck and did damages over one thousand dollars and I was very lucky that no one was hurt. Well cops came and well I got booked then released. My very first offense in 31 years of my life. Since it’s damages over $1000 dollars, my charges...
Research dating back to before the COVID-19 pandemic also shows that about 19% of adults in the U.S. havefour or more chronic illnesses. If you have even one chronic illness, you can imagine how stressful four must be. And about 12% of the U.S. populationlives in poverty, the epito...
“positive thoughts”, but I am also interested in the way the brain works and how positive thinking can affect the mood in helpful ways. It is true that reminding oneself of how one survived earlier hard times can help. I believe there will be a time when we can go shopping again ...