2020 is the last year of China's 13th Five-Year Plan (FYP). However, the sudden COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the original pace of production and life. It's also a major test for the country's public health system. "The practice of fighting COVID-19 exposed many loop...
How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect the anxiety of teachers at work?View further author informationSam SimsView further author informationRebecca AllenView further author informationJ.Jerrim@ucl.ac.ukJohn Jerrim
(1) Single-vehicle (SV) crashes prior to lockdown order (Normal times SV); (2) multi-vehicle (MV) crashes prior to lockdown order (Normal times MV); (3) Single-vehicle crashes after lockdown order (COVID times SV); and (4) Multi-vehicle crashes after lockdown order (COVID times ...
patients with hematological malignancies had higher mortality, while the N3C dataset confirmed that "patients who received recent immunotherapies or targeted therapies did not have higher risk of overall mortality," Sharafeldin and her co-authors wrote in theirJournal...
byWiley Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Recent research indicates that during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the proportion of working-aged U.S. adults without health insurance did not change despite increases in unemployment, and the prevalence of unhealthy behaviors decreased. The ...
However, the COVID-19 recession is shaping up to be different. For starters, people are being asked to curtail outside activities. This is particularly true for those who have medical conditions that put them at higher risk—the type of individuals who use health care the most. On top of...
Enough time has passed since the 2020 presidential election that we can now ask: What effect did COVID-19, arguably the biggest event of the year — of the century, even — have on the election outcome? The answer to this question probably seems straightforward considering how abysmally Ameri...
COVID-19 Impact on Foreign Students More Getty Images Schools around the country are preparing to address issues specifically affecting international students and applicants. Only after Chinese national Zhibin Mo returned to the U.S. from winter break in China did he learn about the spread in...
COVID-19 is changing transportation patterns worldwide. Here’s what mobility players need to know about the mobility in the United Kingdom.
A decreased or altered sense of smell—called olfactory dysfunction—is a common symptom experienced by individuals with COVID-19. As described in an article published in The Laryngoscope, researchers recently searched the medical literature for studies