Mao's early exposure to Marxist literature and revolutionary ideas during the 1911 Revolution deeply influenced his commitment to communism and his vision for China. How did Mao Zedong's policies impact China's relationship with other countries? Mao's policies, particularly his stance against the U...
Why did the new Republic of China fall into chaos? What happened to the emperor of China after the rise of communism? Why did feudalism fail in China? Why did the Chinese Empire stagnate? How did Mao transform the economy of China?
China's Transition from Communi... The Oxford Handbook of the Politic... Crises of Democracy State Capitalism, Institutional Adap... Training the Party Paths to Development in Asia 7.2 When People Want Punishment Why Communism Did Not Collaps... 7.5 我来说两句 短评 ··· ( 全...
◆Zenz is a so-called"senior fellow for China studies" with the far-right Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, an organization established by the US government in1983 and is known for preaching regime change. The Foundation trumpets the"double genocide" theory that seeks to rewrite the histo...
How did glasnost affect the legitimacy of the Communist Party? How did Glasnost in the Soviet Union lead to the end of communism in eastern Europe? How did glasnost affect the Cold War? What was the effect of glasnost? How did perestroika contribute to the collapse of the U.S.S.R?
◆Zenz is a so-called "senior fellow for China studies" with the far-right Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, an organization established by the US government in 1983 and is known for preaching regime change. The Foundation trumpets the "double genocide" theory that seeks to rewrite the...
・ Zenz is a so-called "senior fellow for China studies" with the far-right Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, an organization established by the US government in 1983 and is known for preaching regime change. The Foundation trumpets the "double genocide" theory that seeks to rewrite ...
imagination of extra-ordinariness (the communists in China were sure that communism was the solution to everything, for them the idea of communism was “extra-ordinary”, which they thought would solve everything and bring absolute order and peace, they killed millions based on this delusion –...
France made a total mess of Vietnam, which opted for Communism instead. I’ve come across a few Chinese who think it was a pity Britain didn’t wholly take over China as they did India. I don’t agree, but anyway it was not a realistic option. The British Empire was over-extended ...
communism and the Soviet Union. But since 1989’s Velvet Revolution, Prague has been its old self. With a new, modern overlay. And at least once a year there is still a party at the castle. For the people of the entire city – as many who wish to come, sit on the old courtyard ...