he taught that all can attain this perfection too. Not many other religions’ founders taught that their followers have the chance to experience the same ultimate peace and liberation as themselves. Yet the Buddha taught that everyone can attain the same bliss of supreme enlightenment if we...
Unorthodox teachers often put words in the Buddha’s mouth, claiming to know what he did not say or what he was ‘trying’ to say. This is as if they are ‘greater’ than him, which is easily disproved with their inability to pass two tests. First, as the Buddha has full mastery ov...
The Buddha — Siddhartha Gautama — called mindfulness “the path to enlightenment.” To spread the word of enlightenment, he asked that his senior monks (called bhikkhus) teach a doctrine called The Four Foundations of Mindfulness. When the bhikkhus asked the Buddha which four foundations they ...
the life span of this Buddha and his people is an infinite number of immeasurable eons, and so he is called Amitabha. Amitabha Buddha attained enlightenment ten eons ago.”— Shakyamuni Buddha from the Amitabha Sutra
(the Buddhist eightfold path), leading finally to the Buddha’s fourth noble truth, the full path to enlightenment, or liberation (Gombrich,1995). In Pali, the three lines of training aresīla(discipline or ethical living),samādhi(concentration), andpaññā(insight, intuitive comprehension, ...
From the Pali Canon before his enlightenment, the Buddha says: “Before my enlightenment, O monks, while I was still a bodhisattva, it occurred to me: ‘What is the gratification in the world, what is the danger in the world, what is the escape from the world?’ Then it occurred to ...
The Buddha said "no" and Moggallana asked "how and why" since the disciples were already ariya's. They know what to do, the path and end goal. As well being under the Buddha's direct guidance, how could they fail to reach enlightenment within the same life time? Based on my ...
From the Pali Canon before his enlightenment, the Buddha says: “Before my enlightenment, O monks, while I was still a bodhisattva, it occurred to me: ‘What is the gratification in the world, what is the danger in the world, what is the escape from the world?’ Then it occurred to ...
Reprints of classical works are always popular, as are religious pieces like the Christian cross, the Star of David, or Buddha figurines made of jade or rosewood. One of the best things about art is that it's possible to find items that are truly one of a kind, and will make you...
Note [2]:It is not that there is no need to study the sūtras, as he later still did, on his path to Buddhahood. Even if not studying the sūtras much in this lifetime, there must be enough practice based upon them to progress towards enlightenment, such as via reaching Amitābha Bud...