A senior state government officer in West Bengal said that perhaps the BJP has learnt by heart the art of attracting the Hindus' votes. "Till now, the so-called secular political parties in India followed the policy of appeasing the Muslims, but it's certain now that the BJP has perfecte...
Maharaja Duleep Singh in ceremonial attire in 1861, after his exile to Britain.Wikimedia A prize of conquest In April 1849, Koh-i-Noor was handed over to the British crown byLord Dalhousie, who from 1848 to 1856, was Governor-General of India, under the command of the British East India...
In other countries like Korea or India, wearing revealing clothing like low-cut tops, spaghetti straps or exposing shoulders can be seen as inappropriate and even offensive, particularly to elders. Visiting Pakistan, an elderly man was offended seeing my kurta accidentally tucked into my pants, thu...
Good point, Neil. Which brings me back to what we were talking about earlier. In the 19th century the British started to grow tea in India in order to compete with Chinese tea production. When tea first arrived in Britain in the 17th century it was incredibly expensive and only the elite...
In India’s tropical climate, laptop overheating is a common concern that many users face, especially during the intense summer months. An overheated laptop can lead to several major issues, limiting your ability to use every function to the fullest capacity. Overheating causes internal parts to ...
2. HoW did Britain take Part in the FirSt WOrId War? Key: Af⅛er the GennanS invaded BelgiUm in AUgUSt 4, 1914, thereby Violating neutrality that Britain WaS Committed by treaty to support, Britain took Part in the war. 3. What WaS me aftermath Of the FirSt World War for Britain?
How did the Dutch East India Company conduct business? Absolute Power or Incorporation? The power of the Dutch came from their being a constitutional republic. Rather than centralize all power in one person with absolute authority, the Dutch decided to form an oligarchy, splitting up power among...
I even considered setting my account up as a USD account so that I could handle conversion manually, but apparently, when PayPal is asked to withdraw in USD to a USD account in Britain, it nonsensically converts the currency TO GBP and then converts it BACK again, basically just so it...
Take Eurostar & connecting trains to Hamburg on day 1, stay overnight, then take a train to Copenhagen and onwards train to Stockholm on day 2. Enjoy a night & day in Stockholm, then take the overnight Tallink ferry from Stockholm to Tallinn arriving in the morning of day 4. This ...
Consider the colonial relationship between Britain and India 200 years ago. During the middle of the 18thCentury and well into the beginning of the 19th Century India produced far more textiles – and usually much cheaper and of better quality – than did England, but a number of measures aime...