Haskell County, Kansas, lies in the southwestcorner of the state, near Oklahoma and Colorado. In 1918 sod houses were still common, barely distinguishable from the treeless, dry prairie they were dug out of. It had been cattle country—a now bankrupt ranch once handled 30,000 head—but Has...
Early signs of pregnancyafter IUD removal are the same as with any other pregnancy and can include sore breasts, implantation bleeding, fatigue, nausea, and frequent urination.
No, I did not lose my job or anything like that, but the things that happened outside of the office didn’t distract me so much as they frustrated me because I did not feel that I had control of my life. Too much was going on, and I did not want to wallow in a pool of self...
but you can look that up. Another current case is Five Star Royalty v. Mauldin from the Fifth Circuit. So now that we're in the Fifth Circuit, the confusion that Texas courts have created around the usual one eighth is escaping our borders and bleeding into the unfortunate victims in Lou...
It’s a dehydrating effect and may result in bleeding. Do not smoke, and prevent exposure to secondhand smoke too. Tobacco smoke restricts the oxygen that reaches the body’s cells. Your cells require oxygen to cure. Stay away from pharmaceutical and recreational medication; anabolic steroids ...
a Sunday afternoon last month, when the world had much bigger thoughts on its mind, I did something long overdue. It dawned on me that there were probably about seven people in America who still didn’t own a smart phone. I was one. The others were Mennonite farmers in rural Kansas. ...
He said,“As I understand it we did not suggest that we had the endorsement of the newspaper. Newspapers who make endorsements also say positive things about other candidates and to the best of knowledge that is what we did. So we never said, that somebody a newspaper endorsed us that ...
At around 4 months of age the puppy will begin to lose its baby teeth as the adult teeth will erupt. Most times, puppies swallow these teeth but occasionally the owner will find a shed baby tooth or see the gum line is bleeding where a tooth has erupted. Just as with baby humans, ...
Armin Shimerman: That's absolutely true. And sometimes it wasn't just the Ferengi actors. Early on in the first season, perhaps bleeding into the second season as well, Rene [Auberjonois] and I would always rehearse the Quark and Odo scenes together at my house, which we did and which ...
Like any other business you might have, you need to have a solid business plan in place. Did you create your blog as a hobby or for you to make money from it? If your goal is to make money from your blog, then you need to establish clear goals on how you plan to achieve this....