When did musical theatre originate? Is Les Miserables considered modern theatre? How were masks used in Greek theatre? How was ancient Greek drama performed? How did the proscenium stage influence ballet? Did Shakespeare own the Globe Theatre?
This I’m not so sure about. Comprehensive change would have to originate with leaders who understand the issues, know where to find help, and have enough influence to move the industry quickly and decisively away from counterproductive traditions toward more productive business practices. Given the...
Joey Kramer has said that he and his girlfriend were listening to Harry Nilsson’s “Aerial Ballet” when the couple began toying with cool band names that had “aero” in them. He liked how “aerosmith” sounded, but the band he was in at the time didn’t. So it was shelved until ...
Joey Kramer has said that he and his girlfriend were listening to Harry Nilsson’s “Aerial Ballet” when the couple began toying with cool band names that had “aero” in them. He liked how “aerosmith” sounded, but the band he was in at the time didn’t. So it was shelved until ...
Joey Kramer has said that he and his girlfriend were listening to Harry Nilsson’s “Aerial Ballet” when the couple began toying with cool band names that had “aero” in them. He liked how “aerosmith” sounded, but the band he was in at the time didn’t. So it was shelved until...
Joey Kramer has said that he and his girlfriend were listening to Harry Nilsson’s “Aerial Ballet” when the couple began toying with cool band names that had “aero” in them. He liked how “aerosmith” sounded, but the band he was in at the time didn’t. So it was shelved until...
Joey Kramer has said that he and his girlfriend were listening to Harry Nilsson’s “Aerial Ballet” when the couple began toying with cool band names that had “aero” in them. He liked how “aerosmith” sounded, but the band he was in at the time didn’t. So it was shelved until...
if the respondents clicked six to nine items, it would be six to nine yes in Fig.3.3; if the respondents clicked three to five items, it would be three to five yes; if the respondents clicked one to two items, it would be one to two yes; if the respondents did not click any item...
You know what KVN means. If you graduated from a higher education institution, it is likely that you played in a KVN team yourself or had friends that did. You are still culturally very connected to Russia. Most of the trashy pop and witless comedians you know originate from Russia. Okay...
”“I loved brownies, yet hated chocolate.” The only way “and yet” would work here is if he actually did seem happy about her being there, yet at the same time, there was something odd and cold about him. As it stands right now, she’s saying he’s being cold, but at the ...