but love will find a but make not happy but make one themselv but maybe after ah but mere philosophy but michael the archa but miracles happen but more from risk but moreover laney but most of all i wis but mother so active but much of it but must think you but my area has but ...
his ultimate end, corresponding to the ultimate good as we pronounce it, would be to do all he could to aim straight: the man in this illustration would have to do everything to aim straight, yet, although he did everything to attain his purpose, his ‘ultimate end,’...
is something that could have saved Roman society from their collapse, even though the Christian philosophy may have arrived very late. So there must be some connection between the contemplation of the twilight of Roman society, which these people were living through, and ...
In-ancient Greece athletic festivals were very important end had strong religious associations. The Olympian athletic festival held every four years in honor of Zeus, king of the Olympian Gods, eventually lost its local character, became first a national event and then, after the rules against for...
How did it come to be this way? What if it was different? Remember: a great deal of what memorizing things boils down to is noticing and paying attention to the target material. It also comes down to “rotating” the information in your mind by examining it from different angles. ...
Did Christianity Begin as the Worship of a Sun God? The “Christ” of Christianity may have just been another celestial god. There are a number of similarities between various pagan/mystery cult gods and Christianity. These are some of them.The...
Although most Ancient Greek literature focused on male characters, a literary analysis of Homeric poetry reveals an inquisition of femininity, motherhood, and what it meant to be a woman in Ancient Greece. Throughout the... MORE» Philosophy » Mythology Mythology and Astronomy as Manifestations...
In the episode before that we had Emily Greenwood come on to discuss Thucydides’ analysis of the widespread polarization that erupted across Greece in the late 400’s BC. Even earlier, we did an episode with Melissa Lane titled “How Democracies Fall Apart” on the ancient Greek concept of ...
Per the rules, disarms end battles, so Kento bowed and fetched his sword. He asked “What did I do wrong, milord,” His master smiled and gently said ” Nothing but thou were a bit impatient,” he added “I can see quick and great improvement,” Now all of this was said in Japane...
Albertus Magnus(1193-1250) andThomas Aquinas(1225-1274), two students ofscholasticism, a philosophical system emphasizing the use of reason in exploring questions of philosophy and theology. Magnus made a distinction between revealed truth (revelation of something unknown through a divine power) and ...