then the emissions of all container ships and airplanes would be lower than the emissions of all sailing ships carrying 11.2 billion tonnes of cargo and 4.5 billion of passengers. Vice versa, if we switch to sailing ships, but keep on transporting more and more cargo and passengers...
Basically, airplanes that were flown in the Great War from 1914-1918 are eligible. The build will start on March 1 and run through July 31. That way it keeps me and Aaron working rather than procrastinating. Which we will do. And it also keeps it manageable. To start off, I'll build...
Now it resembles a German WW1 fighter a little more than it did with a standard tail.Method 2: A way that makes sharing your designs very simple is by drawing your templates on CAD software.It's quite straightforward to modify the existing FT plans to make them your own. When you have...