This seemingly instinctual urge to gain information we don't really need is extraneous -- and at its most extreme, dangerous. Consider standing outside a dark cave. It's curiosity that might draw one to investigate its contents, and perhaps those contents are an angry mother bear and her ...
Futurist Keynote Speaker: Posts, Slides, Videos - What is Human Cloning? How to Clone. But Ethical? Supermodels could one day have a whole new human cloning career, selling cells from their bodies to make hundreds of "perfect" human clones for tomorrow's parents. Indeed we could soon ...
Just like children, deer often cross British roads to get to the other side. But the cost is the deer's life. At night, speeding cars hit and kill the animals. Now foresters are using natural animal instincts(本能)to prevent dangerous crossings.In England, the British Forestry Commission ...
Migration patterns also benefit mating and breeding, allowing young to be born in regions with richer food sources or far away from dangerous predators. Chinook salmon and other related species are born in rivers in the U.S. northwest, then head out to sea as adults. Later in life, they ...
to each step, reinforcing the curaka's actions. During this process, and for some time to come, the warriors abstain from certain foods, fromsexand from other practices, like hunting alone. There are spirits being held at bay by the process and not following the rituals is dangerous. ...
Justify why it can be dangerous to eat non-store-bought mushrooms. How can biotechnology help the environment? What is the importance of silica cell walls in diatoms? How does biodiversity benefit individuals and communities? How do plants contribute to moisture in the air? What advantages did ...
To Tamm sectarian zealotry, pseudoscience, and unprincipled complicity were the most dangerous enemies of science. He started his struggles against them well before his Nobel Prize would represent a limited shield in his protection. Fortunately, he was not alone in recognizing the danger of Lysenko...
Successful whaling attacks are especially dangerous as top executives often have greater access to company data, intellectual property and financial systems. Whaling attacks can take various forms, depending on the attacker's objectives and the level of sophistication employed. Some common examples include...
The rapid development of science and technology has brought about great changes to human life, including great harms and disasters .Then people enter into endless argument about whether science is dangerous or not. So many examples can be figured out to prove the danger of science. Advanced techn...
Fourth, the key distinction is usually whether there was an obvious attempt to play the ball; in addition, in the modern game, even some attempts to play the ball are considered inherently dangerous (tackling from behind, many sliding tackles, etc.) and therefore are fouls even if they are...