The decision of whether or not to scan a pregnant patient is made on a case-by-case basis with consultation between the MRI radiologist and the patient's obstetrician. However, the MRI suite can be a very dangerous place if strict precautions are not observed. Credit cards or anything else...
Red softening:This stage is entered when there is ahemorrhagic infarct. A hemorrhagic infarct is the death of tissues due to oxygen starvation caused by blocked veins in the brain. Red blood cells enter the area of the hemorrhagic infarct and cause a reddening of the tissues. The vein blockag...
A NEW survey provides a stark warning of the dangers of commuting in the dark. Dragging yourself to and from work after sunset is soul destroying at best and dangerous at worst. As the cold, wet and dark nights draw in most of us will have a moment of feeling vulnerable while travelling...
In addition, magnets tend to collect an array of ferromagnetic debris, which is hard to remove and can even be dangerous. For this reason, facilities that use very large magnets often have equipment on-site that lets them turn ferromagnetic materials into magnets. Often, the device is ...
The earlier method of X-rays leads to exposure to harmful X-rays, which can cause permanent damage to the body. This radiation exposure is dangerous and should be avoided, but unfortunately, there was no way to do this until MRI came along. ...
An oscillator is important in many different types of electronic equipment. For example, a quartz watch uses a quartz crystal oscillator to keep track of what time it is. An AM radio transmitter uses an oscillator to create the carrier wave for the station, while an AM radio receiver uses ...
1 “The dangerous thing about lying is people don't understand how the act changes us,” says Dan Ariely, behavioral psychologist and Duke university. Psychologists have documented children lying as early as the age of two. Some experts even consider lying a developmental milestone, like crawling...
患者,男,60岁。“双下肢乏力5个月余”就诊。既往体健。5个月前自觉双下肢乏力,行走缓慢,同时发现静止时出现右手出现“搓丸样”动作,紧张时明显,随意运动时减轻,睡眠时消失。查体:双下肢肌力正常,肌张力高,呈“齿轮样”,病理征未引出。该患者应该考虑完善何种检查明确诊断 ...
Operation of machinery and equipment. Patients should not operate potentially dangerous machinery, power tools, or vehicles or engage in any activity that could be unsafe if their symptoms were to unexpectedly return. Device components. The use of components not approved for use by Abbott Medical...
How Dangerous Are Rattlesnakes? The rattle of the rattlesnake is formed in hollow interlocked segments made up of keratin, the same material that constitutes a human nail. The segments fit loosely inside one another at the end of the serpent’s tail. ...