Asbestos is a natural mineral and carcinogen that causes mesothelioma. Learn about how to identify it, cancers caused by asbestos and asbestos litigation.
“Well, of course, doesn’t everyone know that?”— and I have to warn you… I’ve unfortunately seen physicians who have mistakenly thought that a low TSH meant one had an underactive thyroid, and a high TSH, an overactive thyroid — putting their patients in really dangerous situations...
How long will it take for a 4mm kidney stone stuck in the ureter to pass by it's own? How big is human ureter? And do I need to go for some medical intervention to remove the stone in the ureter? I am taking tablets for relaxing the ureter ...
Since most doctors don’t calculate patients’ scores, women can go through life unaware and end up getting diagnosed at a later, more dangerous stage, says Dr. Aliabadi. “One reason we don’t see this tool used more often is that both patients and doctors may not be fully aware of ...
It is however proven that 98% of chemo treatments only make people sicker and doesn't help. Radiation is extremely dangerous also. I wish I could share medical proof here but I cannot. I am a huge supporter of Artemisinin and other natural ways to fight horrid cancer. I have dealt with...
Dangerous temperatures are high-grade fevers that range from over 104 F to 107 F. Low-grade feversrange from about 100 F-101 F; 102 F is intermediate grade for adults but a temperature at which adults should seek medical care for an infant (0-6 months). ...
When a fetus grows, it presses against the bladder and causes it to shrink. Because her bladder fills up more quickly, she will urinate more frequently than usual. Frequent urination may be caused by pregnancy, but also other conditions like diabetes, kidney and/or urinary tract infections, bl...
If you have a dog, you will likely have to deal with diarrhea at one time or another. And in some unfortunate cases, it may be a regular situation. While diarrhea is potentially dangerous for any dog, it is especially concerning for puppies, senior dogs, and immunocompromised dogs, as it...
People withhemophiliaoften bleed into their joints or muscles. Most often, bleeding is minor, but it can be severe enough to be life-threatening. However, even minor bleeding is dangerous if it occurs in the brain. Several symptoms may suggest that a person has a bleeding disorder: ...
Today is a banner day in my life. It’s a day of great importance that won’t be equaled anytime soon. Thirty years ago today — January 7, 1995 — Budge and I became a couple. It isn’t our thirtieth marriage anniversary yet. That will be next August, but it is the three deca...