How is retinoblastoma treated? How is hiatal hernia surgery performed? Does brushing the tongue damage its taste buds? What is the normal range for a salivary cortisol test? Is any of the submandibular duct inside the oral cavity? How is ankylosing spondylitis treated?
But left untreated, certain hernias can lead to discomfort, pain, and more dangerous conditions like intestinal blockages and even gangrene. Here’s what you need to know to ID the issue. What Exactly Is a Hernia? Like we said: Hernias occur when your an internal organ busts through its ...
Hernias can create dangerous situations like obstruction and strangulation, which need emergency surgery. A hernia will not go away on its own and cannot be cured by medicines. If you notice any bulge or swelling on your abdomen orgroin, you should meet your doctor as soon as possible. A he...
Mr. Lumbar:“When the leg pain gets really bad it makes driving unsafe.” Dr. Grumpy:“Why? Does the leg get weak?” Mr. Lumbar:“No, because then my wife has to take the wheel, and she’s dangerous.” source: Dr. GrumpyBut...
When is Permanent Birth Control a Necessity? Sometimes there are situations associated with a number of diseases or disorders in which the birth of a child can be extremely dangerous for the life and health of the mother. And at the same time, the most reliable hormonal or intrauterine contrac...
Hi .. if immediate post operatively u have been ok then there are less chances of any complication related to the surgery..where is the pain located??is it right side of ur back just below the scapula...Read More Is single polyp in gall bladder more dangerous compared to multiple polyp...
What are the signs and symptoms of a fractured clavicle? What is the recovery time for laparoscopic hiatal hernia surgery? How is a fractured scapula treated? What is the treatment for a fractured sternum? How long is recovery from a broken collarbone? Is collarbone surgery dangerous? What is...
All medicines have the potential for dependence. The most dangerous prescription drugs can cause physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking them. This is possible and happens often, especially with prescription pain medications. The withdrawal alone can cause a person to stay on...
Is a sea salt cleanse dangerous? It’s possible that salt water flushes can cause symptoms like nausea, vomiting or weakness in some people, but most of the time heavy metal detoxes and cleanses using salt water are safe. If you have a history of serious digestive issues or high blood pr...
Fasting: Most veterinarians will require your cat tofast for 8-12 hoursbefore the surgery. This meansno foodthe night before andwater onlyuntil a few hours before the procedure. Fasting reduces the risk ofvomitingunder anesthesia, which can be dangerous. Be sure to follow thespecific instruction...