Over the past three years, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected billions of people around the world, and across the U.S. business owners were forced to find ways to adapt. To discuss the impact and how it has changed the business world, we are joined by Dr. Angela Mills, an emergency ...
The coronavirus (COVID-19) situation developed rapidly at the onset of 2020, leaving many small business owners uncertain about their future. Those we’ve spoken with expect the coronavirus to have a significant impact on their revenue. Unfortunately, these concerns were justified, but there are...
When the COVID-19 pandemic began, ShipBob started a hosting a weekly “Moving Your Business Forward” webinar series. It’s an opportunity for brands to get COVID-19 ecommerce advice from one another on how to run a long-term business at a time filled with uncertainty.Each week we featur...
COVID 19 has changed very little in the way the companies already working online are conducting daily operations. While the coronavirus outbreak has affected industry, supply chain logistics, and other business operations in a different way, the people doing business under COVID 19 through remote ...
The legal industry will likely be affected by COVID- 19 in several ways. Notary, trust, estate planning, and industries will likely see growth, due to the fact that many individuals are considering life planning as a result of the pandemic. ...
So, it’s very fair to say that the impact of COVID-19 on businesses isn’t as straightforward as a loss of sales, at least not in every product niche. Some businesses might even have the enviable problem of dealing with an increase in demand if they provide products which consumers dee...
Business model innovationhospitality managementSMEsdigitizationCOVID-19The gastronomy sector was one of the industries most fundamentally affected by the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions and the subsequent disruption of demand. Entrepreneurs were challenged to secure their survival. This study aims to analyze...
COVID-19, even with the major fallout since March, continues to drag business down—almost three-out-of-four advisors (73%) surveyed said they expect business to be down 75% or more for 2020, a number that has risen from 59% in June. ...
past year - a year in which a once in a century pandemic touched almost every aspect of our lives. While the pandemic is still a long way from over, we've already learned that, for many, domains have beenone of the business world's safest havensin the midst of the Covid-19 storm....
COVID-19 affected nearly every aspect of marketing because crises of this scale challenge the core of business basics, saysTimothy Calkins, clinical professor of marketing at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. Some companies were left unable to do any sort of commerce, while ...