Despite all that’s been done to improve doctoral study, horror stories keep coming. Here three students relate PhD nightmares while two academics advise on how ensure a successful supervision
All of these design challenges to take what these iconic images, these videos, and turn them into a paper form that could be used for an activity like coloring or connect the dots. So was this the what you were doing for those two weeks? That design. That I guess kind of brain...
All of these design challenges to take what these iconic images, these videos, and turn them into a paper form that could be used for an activity like coloring or connect the dots. So was this the what you were doing for those two weeks? That design. That I guess kind of brain...
Bianca’s murder was a terrifying wake-up call. They viewed Clark’s obsessive behavior as an extension of the general toxicity of orbiters taken to its logical conclusion. “We all have met orbiters, we’ve all met guys that we met online, and we’ve all met creeps...
Since then, growth has been mostly steady, but no one could have predicted what happened this spring, when the channel’s popularity exploded. DaFuq!?Boom! has picked up nearly 12 million new channel subscribers in the last month-and-a-half, whereas it took nearly seven years to reach its...
why captive tigers can’t be reintroduced to the wild how covid-19 immunity compares to other diseases 5 mistakes to avoid as we try to stop covid-19 how this emergency ventilator could keep covid-19 patients alive why nasa made a helicopter for mars theoretical physicist breaks down the ...
Do I know what or if anything happened between Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh. No. Like everyone else, I’ve formed my own opinions after watching the hearing and I have not heard enough to make me think Dr. Blasey Ford’s accusations could be true, and in this co...
Tweet may have been deleted Tweet may have been deleted Tweet may have been deleted Who thought a meme could cut so deep. Jack Morse Professionally paranoid. Covering privacy, security, and all things cryptocurrency and blockchain from San Francisco....
CG:I think COVID is why this [story] happened. The alienation and the social movements that were going on, the disparity of wealth, you could feel the frustration. Small businesses closing down, in particular. There was just a lot of intense, emotional baggage for everybody. And the place...
You are telling what not to do , could you please also tell what should be done ? Replying to -is-this-fft- : -is-this-fft- I was asking in terms of improving. → Reply » » » -is-this-fft- 3 years ago, # ^ | +157 What matters the most then according to you ...