否则宇宙如何能从 How else could the universe create 厚厚的气体云中 supermassive black holes 创造出超大质量的黑洞呢? from just thick clouds of gas? 有一种理论认为超大质量黑洞 One theory of how you get these supermassive black holes 只有一次大的坍塌事件 is that you just have one big collapse ...
We take a journey through space and time, from the beginning to the end of the universe itself. => 我们从宇宙本身的起点到终点,穿越时空。 This is our world. => 这是我们的世界。 Cities forests oceans people everything in the universe is made from matter created in the first seconds of t...
An Armchair Exploration of the Universe: How a Contracting Universe Could Create Love from ChaosJake Lyron
How the Universe Works《了解宇宙是如何运行的(2010)》第六季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,我们银河系的命运悬而未决 The fate of our galaxy hangs in the balance. 银河系正在消亡,而我们不知道是什么原因 The Milky Way is dying, and we dont know why. 我们的星
AI would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn't compete, and would be superseded. It will bring great disruption to our economy. And in the future, AI could develop a will of its own, a ...
How the Universe Works《了解宇宙是如何运行的(2010)》第九季第十集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,观察宇宙首先用到的是光,可见光 First there was light, visible light. 然后我们用无线电和X射线观察宇宙 Then, we viewed the universe in radio waves and X-rays. 自从天
它实际上在空间和时间上产生了一个涟漪and it actually produceda ripple in space and timeLIGO探测到了that LIGO could detect.引力波可能有助于最终揭示Gravitational waves could help是什么导致了finally reveal what causes宇宙中最明亮的爆 炸 之一one of the brightestexplosions in the universe.LIGOS 的数据...
AI is learning how to create itself Humans have struggled to make truly intelligent machines. Maybe we need to let them get on with it themselves. Shuhua Xiong
the chessboard was infinitely tiny and then expanded, growing bigger and bigger until the day that you decided to make some observations about the nature of your chess universe. All the stuff in the universe—the little particles that make up you and everything else—started very close together...
More specifically, the Big Bang can also refer to the birth of the observable universe itself — the moment something changed, kickstarting the events that led to today. Cosmologists have argued for decades about the details of that fraction of a second, and the discussion continues today. [Fr...