Number nine: This is not the last one, but it is the most important one. Listen. I cannot tell you how many really important people have said that listening is perhaps the most, the number one most important skill that you could develop. Buddha said, and I'm paraphrasing, "If your mo...
“Stephen became one of the fastest scanners I ever knew,” Waltosz said. “There were only three people I knew that could scan as fast as Hawking: a fellow up in North Dakota and me, and I only could because I spent thousands of hours pretending to be a patient while working on the...
I work in an office. I was leaving in the elevator, which has mirrors on the walls. A young, attractive woman stepped into the elevator. I'm tall, she was short, and she stood close to me with her back to me. She was texting, and because I was spacing out and could see over h...
IfehlatsrodnleyrvousthatIcould___breathe.ThenIheardmys elfsayinashakingvoice “Youwantit?” Howembarrassing!!! Mymostembarrassingmomentwasdurin ganawardceremonyattheendoftheyear.Iwass ittingatthefront.Thehostannouncedaspecial ___andIheardmyanwaamred , soIwentuponthe___.Itturnedsotaugtt...
Mr. Movellan, who designed the software, said that in the future the robot could be in museums to help people from different cultures to understand one another.1. What do we know about the robot? A.It can recognize and respond to human emotions. B.It can develop new machines for ...
② loud 意为“响亮地”、“大声”或“高声地”,侧重发出的音量大,传得远,一般多用来修饰 speak , talk , laugh 等动词。 loud 还可用作形容词。例如: Speak louder, please, or no one will hear you. 请大声些,否则没人能听见。 ③ loudly 意为“响亮地”,其基本意义与 loud 相同,还...
And so as Stephen Hawking said before he died, he said, the age of artificial intelligence could be huge for human species growth—I’m paraphrasing now—but we need to pause because it could result in the end of humanity’s existence. ...
In theory, it could happen right this minute: virtually every modern Windows PC has a speech synthesizer (a computerized voice that turns written text into speech) built in, mostly to help people with visual disabilities who can't read tiny text printed on a screen. How exactly do speech ...
ThisweekIhadanembarrassingmomentatabookstore.Iraninto❷a noldfriendnamedGaoYuan.Whenhetapped❸meontheshouldera ndsaidmyname, Icouldn'tfigureoutwhohewas.Heseemed❹familiarbutIforgothis name.Ifeltawful. Wechattedforawhile.FinallyIhadtoadmit❺thatIcouldn'trem emberhisname.BeforeIcould...
Stephen Hawking spent his whole life understanding the universe. 10. Old habits die hard. (教材P13 2b) die常用作不及物动词,意为___ die ___→death ___→dead ___→dying ___ v. 死亡 n.死亡 adj. 死的 adj. 垂死的 “消失;灭亡;死亡...