But I just want you to know where I’m at so that we can walk forward from this common ground. Jonathan Fields: [00:33:29] That makes so much sense. The experience of making the invisible visible in these contexts, it’s scary, I think, in a lot of different ways. And we’re ...
One of the common problems that many new digital (and film) photographers have is ‘camera shake’ where images seem blurry – usually because the camera was not held still enough while the shutter was depressed. This is especially common in shots taken in low light situations where the shutte...
Although fish oil isknown for its powerful effects on heart health, many people report feeling heartburn after starting to take fish oil supplements. Other acid reflux symptoms — including belching, nausea and stomach discomfort — are common side effects of fish oil due largely to its high fa...
. . . the average adult is affiliated with just one community group as compared to five in our parents' day. Putnam RD. Bowling alone: The collapse and revival of American community. Simon & Schuster, 2000. . . . fathers have not entered the world of family to the extent that mothers...
At this time in development, hCG levels in combination with AFP levels can tell us whether the baby has any abnormalities in the number of chromosomes. A high level of hCG in combination with a low level of AFP suggests a chromosomal abnormality. The most common disorder of this type is Do...
To feel guilty for something that is outside of ourselves, or no wrong was done, this is self defeating. Maybe we need to be clear in our own minds, and sometimes some outside help can be beneficial, what is actually happening.
One of the weirdest effects of anxiety is how much tension builds up in your body. I couldn’t even take a deep breath because my stomach always trembled, like it was being stretched to its limits. Relaxing felt physically impossible. ...
Fasting, on the other hand, is historically quite normal but isn’t common in a world abundant with drive-thrus, meal-replacement shakes, and “eating 6+ times a day is healthy” dogmatism. For millions of people across the world, regularfastingis commonplace and has been part of spiritual...
Four years of learning to love in tolerance and celebration of their many differences. Risking vulnerability, exposing their true feelings and bodies in uninhibited drunkeness. Feelings of regret give way to unbridled forgiveness, Belonging and acceptance weaves the common cord. ...
At this time in development, hCG levels in combination with AFP levels can tell us whether the baby has any abnormalities in the number of chromosomes. A high level of hCG in combination with a low level of AFP suggests a chromosomal abnormality. The most common disorder of this type is Do...