Dominique demanded they didn’t smoke or wear any fragrances, and instructed them to park down the street. The common line of defence was that Dominique had told the co-defendants they were taking part in a couple's fantasy and Gisele had consented. In most cases, the men didn...
With a bad reputation for crime, we didn’t have any intention of going to Bogotá when we weretravelling in Colombia. But when we got an invite from our best friend’s other best friend, Tito, a native ofBogotá, we thought “Whatthe hell?” Of course, our reference couldn’t have ...
Free Essay: Fair is foul, and foul is fair is a common theme. Fair is foul, and foul is fair is used so many times in the play. Macbeth is made by William...
Loss of productive hours is common for people who work remotely from home, including myself as I type this in the middle of a blackout. Even worse are power cuts after sunset, which literally bring all of life to a grinding halt. Precious late evening hours are lost to darkness, followed...
Michel Denis, Valérie Gyselinck, & Francesca Pazzaglia [ed] (2012) From mental imagery to spatial cognition and language: essays in honour of Michel Denis [i] [d] Julie Dirksen (2012) Design for how people learn [i] Wenwen Dou, Xiaoyu Wang, Drew Skau, William Ribarsky, & Michelle X...
When he was writing the Acts of the Apostles to Theophilus, what happened at Hakeldama was apparently common knowledge. Some English translators may have been confused because Luke added the historical anecdote about Hakeldama in the middle of Peter’s speech about Judas. The reason he added tho...
Starting at the National Famine Museum, the National Famine Way is a 165km trail in Ireland that traces the footsteps of 1490 tenants from Strokestownpark, Roscommon, to Dublin in 1847 during the Great Irish Famine. It was their last journey on Irish soil. For those who survived the ordeal...
CommonLawcourts operate with a jury; they are the only true courts – everything else isFRAUD(unless you have consented to be without a jury). Regardless of the nature of the offence you are charged with it is your inalienable right to be tried by a jury. Denying you this right is a...
Zolfagharifard (2016). It is curious that although the ICAO Report does not mention “hacktivists” an ICAO press release talks of them: “The five major international aviation organizations signed a new cybersecurity agreement late last week formalizing their common front against the hackers, ‘hac...
241. What all these groups have in common is that they ask to give/ to be given equal rights and be treated equally to other people, regardless of race, religion or sex. 242. Should you feel the urge to pack your bags and explore that/ what the world has to offer, you may want ...