Deals with the public scramble concerning the permissible levels of arsenic in drinking water in the United States. Current US standard of arsenic level; Public's proposal to reduce the level; Environmental Protection Agency's request to the National Academy of Sciences to study the potential costs...
Using an ion exchange resin, arsenic particles in water are trapped and prevented from flowing towards your outlet. The arsenic turns into a non-toxic level of sodium. When the resin bed is full, the system flushes out arsenic particles in a process called regeneration. This type of well wat...
Like other species, we are the products of millions of years of adaptation. Now we're taking matters into our own hands.
Ensure that your Galaxy Watch/Fit stays in good condition by following this guide to wearing and maintaining your device properly.
A chemistry professor has devised a system to remove arsenic from drinking water using chopped up beverage bottles like these. Hans-Peter Merten/The Image Bank/Getty Images If you've seen the 1940s cinematic black comedy "Arsenic and Old Lace," in which a couple of well-meaning spinsters...
Arsenic is a naturally occurring metal, but it is also a carcinogenic poison. Besides causing cancer, arsenic can damage the body’s circulatory and nervous systems as well as the liver, kidneys, lungs, heart and bladder. Arsenic is found in the rocks and soil that drinking water flows throu...
A well can pump water from either the saturated zone or an aquifer. Wells must be deep enough to remain in the saturated zone. List of common sources of ground water [or well water] contamination In addition to natural contaminants, ground water is often polluted by human activities such as...
They could have a couple of things in common, but the main thing that may pop into your mind is that they are all hazards. Hazards are anything that could cause potential harm or danger to persons or personal property. Each of the things we just mentioned could be very dangerous if they...
Vegetable is the best source of s vitamin, because vegetables are rich in vitamins. Among them, vitamin C and vitamin A are the most important. Too much fat and sugar can lead to obesity, which is harmful to health. Besides, eating more fruits and drinking more water is of great help....
There are a number of precautions that can be taken which will dramatically reduce the risk of e.coli contamination in water suppies. Some of the most common precautions include periodically shock treating the well and your plumbing system with bleach/chlorine, ensuring that the well is properly ...